Taipei Times - archives
Soong, a Mainlander conservative who has long sought, though never entirely successfully, to dispel his image as someone who would sell out Taiwan because of his pro-unification views, was now accusing the SEF and the Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) of failing to consult opposition parties — the irony of Soong championing “the opposition” being totally lost on him — over their cross-strait policies. He also did not take too kindly to seeing his request to meet Chen turned down by the SEF and the MAC, nor even Ma’s decision to bar Lien from hosting a banquet in Chen’s honor.
2009年12月28日 星期一
game of Pro-china plots
2009年12月26日 星期六
2009年12月25日 星期五
2009年12月23日 星期三
巿刑大小隊長跌落車下 顱內出血
昨晚在陳雲林接受胡志強款待時,抗議民眾與警方爆發流血衝突!本土社團的宣傳車對酒店 放沖天炮,警察去阻止,雙方發生拉拉扯扯。台中市刑大小隊長從車頂摔下,受傷住院;警方強勢帶回六名抗議人士。 就是這個動作,讓台中市刑大小隊長陳諸想硬生生從宣傳車上跌落,涉嫌推人的民眾和宣傳車上成員,馬上以現行犯被逮捕。 警方在23號晚間10點30分公佈錄影帶,還原事件發生經過,晚間七點,裕元酒店內正在舉行晚宴,「九○八台灣國運動」的抗議宣傳車,沿著中港路來回廣 播。行經裕元酒店對面、統聯客運中港轉運站前時,車上抗議人士拿著預備的沖天炮,對準酒店位置沿路燃放。台中市刑大三隊小隊長陳諸想,從車頭左側爬上車 頂,與抗議人士發生拉扯。整個人先撞上車門,再重重摔落地面。嫌犯之一的周明文被員警扭送時,還不斷喊冤。 警方指出,台中市刑大小隊長陳諸想,是被人從宣傳車頂護欄推下,導致頭破血流。 宣傳車上六名成員全數被警方帶回,依公共危險、妨礙公務、傷害罪嫌移送,台中市長胡志強探視過受傷員警後,表示很「心痛」。 江陳會場外發生警民衝突,造成1名員警受傷送醫,民進黨也表示遺憾, 強調已盡力與各團體溝通,希望抗議不要失序。秘書長蘇嘉全強調,被逮捕的民眾不是民進黨員,但民進黨仍會負起責任,也會為這幾名被捕的民眾,聘請律師、維 護人權。也盼望接下來的抗議能夠和平理性,以免模糊焦點。
Gmail - [I Love Taiwan] 為了一個共匪 馬的賤招盡出!
Gmail - [I Love Taiwan] 為了一個共匪 馬的賤招盡出!
![]() | hsutung yang |
[I Love Taiwan] 為了一個共匪 馬的賤招盡出!
北社-林冠妙 | 2009年12月24日上午10:40 | |
回覆: 收件者: i_love_taiwan | ||
2009年12月22日 星期二
財團法人台灣大地文教基金會 - 台灣人拜台灣神 不做無根之民 -
財團法人台灣大地文教基金會 - 台灣人拜台灣神 不做無根之民 -
謝清志的生命振動-我讀我見(7) | ![]() |
新聞報導 - 楊緒東專欄 | |
作者 台灣大地文教基金會董事長 楊緒東醫師 | |
2009/12/23, Wednesday | |
(photo source: 謝清志的部落格) *粗體字為楊緒東醫師撰寫之書評 Dr.謝的親情文章很多,請大家買書來看,不在此作文章。 (未完待續,撰於2009/10/05) 相關閱讀: | |
最後更新 ( 2009/12/23, Wednesday ) |
2009年12月20日 星期日
2009年12月18日 星期五
阿扁總統給楊緒東醫師的回信(第12封) | ![]() |
新聞報導 - 自由論壇 | |
作者 陳水扁總統 | 贊凡 | |
2009/12/18, Friday | |
(請點選上列小圖,觀看大圖) 楊董事長、光贊同修您好! 12月4日&9日的來信收悉。祝Australia之旅順風、平安、如意。 想不到身為閣揆會說搞台獨的人是白痴的 話,儘管後來收回「或白痴」三個字,硬拗是不必要的贅語。但台灣的前途,在民主自由的國度,特別多元社會有不同的選項都應獲得尊重,您可以有自己的政治信 仰和不同主張,卻不能指摘意見不一樣的人是不負責任的「白痴」。這就是憲法所保障的意見表現自由。馬英九競選總統時的文宣說,台獨是台灣的選項,但不是中 國國民黨的選項。而對很多台灣人而言,台獨主張不僅是信仰,更是台灣的活路。 我在下一期12月16日出刊的蓬萊島雜誌.net阿扁札記,寫「選舉輸贏不是民進黨的一切」,呼籲中國欽差大臣陳雲林12月21日來台中出席第四次「江陳會」時,台灣人民應向全世界宣示「台灣中國,一邊一國」、「拒絕接受ECFA」兩大訴求,表達堅定「拒統保台」的意志和決心。 光贊同修提到我的case經過一番沉澱過濾之後,會有「澄清」的一天,此時此刻了解到我被政治迫害的事實會成為「共識」。又說有法界人士向您 complain扁案會是一場「難於自圓其說」「上下不得的案件」,他們最怕touch此種非案之案,小英應該知道「政治迫害」的事實了吧;不應該還談一 些不痛不癢的「司法人權迫害」。遠的不說,馬騜在12月9日於中國國民黨檢討三合一選舉敗選原因的中常會上,竟然把敗選責任推給扁案辦得太慢及檢察總長陳聰明沒有下台。公然把手伸進法院,干涉司法審判,一點都不遮掩。 而12月10日世界人權日也是美麗島事件30週年,馬騜驕傲的表示把兩項世界人權公約正式國內法化,殊不知前一天他才在中國國民黨公開說出違背司法審判獨立的違憲談話;還有30年前美麗島事件發生時他在哈佛大學唸書,是如何在波士頓通訊批判痛罵黃信介、姚嘉文、林義雄、呂秀蓮、陳菊等民主前輩。美麗島事件正是蔣經國擔任總統時,未暴先鎮所製造出來的政治迫害黨外精英案件,蔣介石則是228事件的元凶,台灣六十年來兩大政治案件都跟兩位蔣家父子有關。馬騜上台後,又恢復對殺人魔王、政治劊子手、獨裁者的膜拜,完全是說一套、做一套的「真假仙」。 贊外同修來函分享靈修的小故事,有一個農夫在河裡沙洲工作,遇到豪大雨帶來溪水暴漲快把沙洲淹沒時,先後漂來一塊木板、一艘小破船、一棵枯樹,卻不知道這是上帝要來救他,還不往上跳,錯失三次可以逃生機會,最後不幸被大水淹死。是自己心裡設想要的結果而猶豫不去做,還怪上帝不給機會。很多的時候必須當機立斷,機會不是常常有,有時稍縱即逝,永不回頭。 30年前的美麗島事件爆發時,我才29歲,只是一個菜鳥律師,原先我也不敢接受參與弁護工作,不只因為當時的政治氣氛充滿肅殺恐怖,而是我年紀那麼輕,一 位海商法的律師接辦軍法大審的政治案件,自忖學識能力不足以勝任,後來太太的一句話:「明知道嘉文兄、義雄兄幾位道長不可能叛亂,卻要判唯一死刑。不敢承 辦,做律師有何路用?」我終於走上政治這條路,包括今天被羅織成獄,關押在鬼所,都是上帝的旨意。 淑修同修12月9日來信分享喬治.歐威爾《1984》小說的部分章節,時空從過去、現在、未來相互交錯,可怕的是,相同的事情,一直重覆的出現在身邊。美麗島事件己經30年了,扁案的發生以及相關故事,除罪名從叛亂改為貪污外,我們所看到的是那麼相像,彷彿又回到30年前,蔣經國換成馬英九。舊獨裁者與新威權再怎麼聰明,該死的異端變成殉道者,將會有許許多多的殉道者出現,關了一個「阿扁」,還會出現更多的「阿扁們」。 《1984》一書「真理部」、「和平部」、「仁愛部」、「富裕部」的建築外邊大書特書黨的三大原則:「戰爭就是和平」、「自由就是奴役」、「愚昧就是力 量」,「2008」我們不是也看到類似的文字嗎?「633,馬上好」原來是玩笑話;「燒成灰也是台灣人」原來是自己當美國人,叫別人做中國人;「台灣的未 來應由2300萬人民決定」原來是MOU連央銀總裁也不知道,ECFA連立法院長亦不知內容。 《1984》的「海洋國」難道是「海洋台灣」,統治者「內黨」、主人公溫斯頓屬於「外黨」,難道是指「中國國民黨」以外叫做「黨外」,也未免太巧合了。 如果極權主義或新威權的黨國主義,變成是我們普遍的生活方式,則目前台灣人民所擁有的一切民主、自由、公義等價值,將化為烏有。 謝謝大地同修。 台灣加油! 弟 陳水扁(贊凡) 2009.12.12晚24.30 | |
最後更新 ( 2009/12/18, Friday ) |
2009年12月10日 星期四
2009年12月4日 星期五
1. 請撥電話給台中市陳淑華議員服務處,肯定、感謝陳議員(
2. 藝臻老師並不懼怕台中市教育處的調查,
3. 藝臻老師身為外省第二代,卻能長期致力於台灣母語歌謠教育,
2009年12月1日 星期二
fear of the truth--this man ma
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Published on Taipei Times Japanese representative to Taiwan Saito resigns By Jenny W. Hsu STAFF REPORTER Wednesday, Dec 02, 2009, Page 1 Japan’s Interchange Association — Tokyo’s representative office — confirmed yesterday that Representative Masaki Saito has resigned but said the resignation would not take effect until its board of directors approves it. There was immediate speculation that the career diplomat’s surprise move was linked to remarks he made at an academic conference in May at National Chung Cheng University, remarks that were widely criticized at the time by Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) lawmakers. Speaking at the annual meeting of the Republic of China International Relations Association, Saito said Taiwan’s status was “still unresolved.” The envoy apologized later for his remarks and Tokyo said Saito’s comments were his own views and did not represent the Japanese government. While KMT members attacked him, accusing him of spreading false information about Taiwan, independence supporters hailed him for “speaking the truth.” Shinji Hiyama, the cultural liaison of the Interchange Association, refused to comment on Saito’s resignation except to say Saito was leaving his post for “personal reasons.” It was not clear exactly when Saito tendered his resignation or when he would leave Taiwan. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it had no information about Saito’s departure. “The foreign ministry has no information about it and it will respect the decision of the Japanese government,” Deputy Secretary-General of the Association of East Asia Relations Nien Shin-shyh (粘信士) told a routine ministry press conference. Ministry spokesman Henry Chen (陳銘政) said Taiwan does not interfere with the decision-making process regarding foreign ambassadors’ postings and he stressed that Saito’s departure would not hurt Taiwan-Japan relations. KMT Legislator John Chiang (蔣孝嚴), a former foreign minister, said he “was not surprised” by the news because Saito’s resignation had been expected since the controversy. Chiang, who is a member of the Foreign and National Defense Committee, said Saito had lost all credibility and the ability to function as a diplomat because “hardly anyone in the administration and the legislature was willing to meet him.” “It was unfathomable that a professional diplomat would make such negative remarks toward the country in which he was serving. His resignation was only a matter of time,” Chiang said. Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) lawmakers, however, said Saito’s leaving showed that President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) “China-friendly” foreign policy had interfered with Taiwan’s effort to have “substantive relations” with non-allies. “We are very saddened and disappointed by this outcome. We are very thankful for Saito’s willingness to stand up for Taiwan,” DPP Legislator Tsai Huang-liang (蔡煌瑯) said, adding that Taiwan-Japan ties were at their “lowest point” in a decade. DPP Legislator Yeh Yi-jin (葉宜津) said Saito’s resignation brought shame to Taiwan and the administration must change its China-centric attitude before ruining the nation’s friendship with other countries. The government’s indirect boycott of Saito was the main reason for his departure, Yeh said. China’s influence could have also driven Saito away because ousting a diplomat that believes Taiwan’s status was unresolved fits Beijing’s interests, DPP Legislator Kuan Bi-ling (管碧玲) said. KMT Legislator Lee Hung-chun (李鴻鈞), who heads the Taiwan-Japan Parliamentary Friendship Group and is on a visit to Hokkaido, said yesterday that he had learned of Saito’s resignation a few days ago. In addition to the uproar caused by his remarks, Saito felt this was the right time to retire because of the birth of his grandchild, Lee said. ADDITIONAL REPORTING BY CNA Also See: First representative office in decades opens in Japan Also See: EDITORIAL : Exit Saito, enter uncertainty |
Taipei Times - archives
Taipei Times - archives: "The resignation yesterday of Masaki Saito, Japan’s de facto ambassador to Taiwan, marks a new chapter in ailing ties between Tokyo and Taipei. The question is whether this represents a chance for the relationship to start afresh between the Taiwanese government and a new Japanese administration, or augurs a further deterioration."
no Taiwan only china
Taipei Times - archives: "Although the institute has sent a letter of protest, it “cannot reject” the opportunity to speak on the international stage because of the incorrect label, Chu said.
Taiwan cannot attend the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) conference as a national delegation because it is not a UN member. ITRI will be Taiwan’s official voice at the two-week Copenhagen meeting, which opens on Monday. Chu will lead the delegation, while Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) Deputy Minister Chiu Wen-yen (邱文彥) will attend as an adviser."bX-ssciez
no Taiwan only china
Taipei Times - archives: "Although the institute has sent a letter of protest, it “cannot reject” the opportunity to speak on the international stage because of the incorrect label, Chu said.
Taiwan cannot attend the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) conference as a national delegation because it is not a UN member. ITRI will be Taiwan’s official voice at the two-week Copenhagen meeting, which opens on Monday. Chu will lead the delegation, while Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) Deputy Minister Chiu Wen-yen (邱文彥) will attend as an adviser."
the incorrect label,
Taipei Times - archives: "Although the institute has sent a letter of protest, it “cannot reject” the opportunity to speak on the international stage because of the incorrect label, Chu said.
Taiwan cannot attend the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) conference as a national delegation because it is not a UN member. ITRI will be Taiwan’s official voice at the two-week Copenhagen meeting, which opens on Monday. Chu will lead the delegation, while Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) Deputy Minister Chiu Wen-yen (邱文彥) will attend as an adviser."