Taipei Times - archives: "Something smells in Taipei — and it’s not the 25 million flowers and plants purchased to decorate the city for the upcoming flora expo. Rather, it is Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin (郝龍斌) scrambling to explain why the city paid 30 times market price for the greenery to a contractor with ties to his Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) administration. In recent days, investigators have also uncovered what appears to be the overpricing of building materials. It is ironic that Hau initiated the multi-billion-dollar project to boost his re-election bid in November.
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2010年8月30日 星期一
Taipei Times - archives
2010年8月22日 星期日
Taipei Times - archives
Taipei Times - archives: "aiwan defeated Texas 9-1 to win the Junior League Baseball World Series championship on Saturday in Michigan
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2010年8月18日 星期三
China ups military edge over Taiwan, Pentagon says | Reuters
China ups military edge over Taiwan, Pentagon says | Reuters: "'Many uncertainties remain regarding how China will use its expanding military capabilities,' according to the annual U.S. Defense Department report to Congress on China's military.
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2010年8月14日 星期六
台灣極不公平的司法是人民最大公敵Taiwan's extremely unfair judicial system is public enemy number one
台灣極不公平的司法是人民最大公敵Taiwan's extremely unfair judicial system is public enemy number one: "Taiwan's extremely unfair judicial system is public enemy number one
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2010年8月5日 星期四
Taipei Times - archives
Taipei Times - archives: "Four protesters in Beijing cut off their fingertips and swallowed them in a desperate bid to bring attention to their cause, state media reported yesterday.
The men, from Hunan Province, traveled to the capital to seek resolution of a dispute with their former employer, who they said fired them on trumped-up charges, the official Global Times newspaper said.
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