2008年9月28日 星期日

Who's people

中國人的本性-瞭解中國人、瞭解中國黨(4) 列印
新聞報導 - 楊緒東專欄
作者 台灣大地文教基金會董事長 楊緒東
2008/09/29, Monday

在奧運期間因聲援圖博而被中共拘捕的圖博學生組織8名成員,返回紐約後出席中國人權記者會。(photo source: 大紀元)



太子黨還有一項無人能及的生意,那就是走私並買賣武器,藉此來獲取巨大利益。中國出口 海外的武器種類繁多,舉凡火炮、戰車、裝甲車、戰鬥機、運輸機、飛彈快艇、驅逐艦、潛水艇以及其他戰艦、各式飛彈的走私出口乃至於核心技術移轉等等,幾乎 所有軍火都是交易內容。中國軍火的採購對象,除了早期各國反政府的革命勢力,近來更擴及巴基斯坦、埃及、坦桑尼亞等第三世界的國家,甚至歐美黑道份子也在 銷售對象名單之中。至於中國生產的武器,據說「性能相同,價格卻更便宜」,中國政府過去常用幾近免費的「友好價格」賣給友邦,或者用來資助一些國家的叛亂 團體。
除了在香港,前往海外投資的中國企業經營狀況非常不透明,雖然中國政府與國務院監察部會同駐外機構進行聯合調查,仍無法掌握其狀況。1990年代以後,中 國政府特地派遣7萬400名各級幹部前往香港與澳門,調查中資企業在當地的活動內容,卻一無所獲。原因是,各級幹部與太子黨勾結,不只沒有負起監督的責 任,反而成為太子黨企業的幫兇。
以政府機構的看板更換工程為例,為了中飽私囊,太子黨用各種名目成立空殼公司,取得廉價的計畫物資之後轉賣。而且,離開公職的幹部以及幹部子弟、親戚等 「親族關係」,也是「官倒」存在的重要基礎。利用這些關係來進行非法投資,也可以賺大錢。同時,黨政公職人員經常利用職權,向企業索取回扣或者「方便 費」、「謝金」、「禮金」等等。
鄧小平長男鄧樸方所設立的康華集團,可說是最具代表性的「官倒」企業。鄧樸方為了獲取利益,還刻意利用自己身心障礙者的身分。首先,他先成立了中國身障者 基金會,再用這筆資金設立康華公司。表面上是為了推動身障的福利事業而取得資金,真正目的卻是為了得到國務院的進口免稅優惠。
1967年底,鄧小平與劉少奇被批判為最大的走資派,鄧樸方也無法逃脫這場災難。接下來,他被造反派批判鬥爭,幽禁在遭受核能污染的物理研究室。在這段期 間,鄧樸方滾落樓梯傷及脊椎。關於跌落的原因,有人說是造反派把他從教室四樓推下去,有人說是自殺未遂。總之,脊椎嚴重受損的他被抬到醫院治療。
畢竟此時是文革最高潮,即便他被送往高幹專用的醫院,還是因為名醫都被下放到農村。在沒有適當治療的情況下,鄧樸方下半身癱瘓,必須終身乘坐輪椅。所以日 後鄧樸方以此設立了身障者基金會。他所成立的基金會與康華公司,也有眾多黨幹部加入,因此能取得比其他國營企業更多的特權。
自1987年鄧質方從美國歸國之後,就決定下海投資不動產與股票,於是他在上海創設了四方房地產實業公司。這家企業名義上隸屬於上海建設局,其實是鄧質方 的個人企業。在上海收購土地之後,他前往香港從事房地產事業,大量興建住宅出售。鄧質方靠著私下運作,原本屬於非建築用地的地方,竟然能建起64棟豪華公 寓。香港富豪競相購買,轉眼之間就全部賣光。
總之,鄧小平家族在短短幾年內斂財達5億美元,甚至有人認為有25億美元,成為社會主義史上的最富有家族。除了鄧小平家族之外,勢力強大的太子黨相關企業 也如雨後春筍般出現。像中國新技術創業投資公司總裁張曉彬,是前衛生部部長崔月犁之子,陳雲三女陳偉力則為該公司董事長。後來因招商詐欺案而被美國FBI 盯上的「標準金融」,則是其子公司。
1993年,朱鎔基以整頓金融為由,撤換掉中國人民銀行行長,自己披掛上陣。然後,任命心腹大將王岐山出任國家建設銀行行長。接著,1995年6月25 日,朱鎔基成立了中國人民銀行關係企業中金公司,任命兒子朱雲來擔任該公司的香港總經理。之後,朱雲來調回「中金」的北京總公司,據說到目前為止還是該公 司的地下董事長。
由此可見,江澤民、李鵬與朱鎔基等家族的「新太子黨」,確確實實利用權勢進行經濟活動,取代鄧小平、陳雲、王震等三大太子黨,成為中國掌權者獨佔利益自肥 的代表族群。如今,中國電力界由李鵬長男李小鵬掌控;資訊藉由江澤民長男江綿恒主導;金融界則是朱鎔基之子朱雲來的天下。

不過,中國人堪稱是世上最見錢眼開且勢利的民族,同時也是寧可信鬼不信神的庸俗人類。為了化解表面上尊儒教、「重義輕利」,內心卻懷有貪慾的矛盾,於是創 造出了道教。道教在漢末出現,一直到魏晉南北朝才逐漸成熟。中國人喜歡祈求長壽、健康、升官發財、招財進寶等等,這些都不是儒教的思想與主張,而是源自道 教的唯利是圖與反禁慾精神(道教信徒總是習慣性地求東求西,例如「求升官」、「求發財」等)。

賴昌星進行「權錢交易」時主要有三項要訣,那就是給錢、給女人和偷拍錄影帶。為此他還特地興建了7層樓的「紅樓招待所」,找來美女陪酒,引誘政府高官入 座,然後偷拍錄影帶,逼迫官員和他成為同夥。即便貪污已經成為全民常識,一旦賴昌星偷拍的錄影帶曝光,這些高官還是會因此遭受政敵攻擊,甚至身敗名裂。

近年來北京出現了新的跳樓價,僱用殺手殺人竟只需支付2,000人民幣。負責下手的幾乎都是下崗職工與外地人。此外,黑道除了恐嚇對方,也常常闖入民宅, 將糞便潑到被害人餐桌上。這類犯罪若是委託遊盪在北京、上海與廣州等地的「盲流」。費用還能更低。據說有的只需支付相當於一宿一飯的報酬。
但即便中國政府也不得不承認,75%的中國民眾沒有購屋能力。日本人雖然總覺得房子太窄,像「鴿子籠」,但平均每個人還擁有20平方公尺住宅,是上海與北 京民眾平均值的3倍。經濟狀況較好的沿海都市,雖然民眾的購屋能力有所提升,但大部分還是住在公司提供的住宅或宿舍,非常擁擠。內陸地區的民眾,則多半仍 住茅屋、土屋乃至於洞窟。

中國政府一再宣稱,中國沒有人罹患性病,但實際上不只是都市,連地方鄉鎮的電線桿與民宅牆壁,到處都看得到貼有「治療性病」的廣告。從這類廣告張貼的密度 來推算,中國已經是個如假包換的性病氾濫大國。2001年時某醫學單位表示,中國性病患者可能超過1,000萬人(《台灣時報》,2002年3月16 日)。

1930年代上海黑社會老大杜月笙開設的三鑫公司,包辦了鴉片、賣春、賭博等相關的生意,簡直就是一個「地下綜合企業集團」,年營業額等於當時國家總預算 的六分之一。各地的暴發戶、貴公子與軍閥,爭先恐後捧著白花花的銀兩來此消費,三鑫公司因此成為上海經濟繁榮的火車頭,杜月笙更是象徵上海繁榮的代表性人 物。
「打黃」、「掃黃」運動的最大受害者,其實是銀行。據說每次政府實施「打黃」時,廣東省深圳、珠海、廣州、東莞、汕頭等城市的金融機構,都會被擠兌100 億元存款。原因是,爲了暫避風頭,上班小姐只好回鄉下。而她們「上班期間」一個月的平均消費額,據說相當於一般民眾的三年所得。

嫁給70歲以上台灣老兵的中國女性達8,000人,而且年紀幾乎都是在40歲上下。這擺明就是貪圖遺產而來,所以立法委員們憂慮,台灣資產會不會被這些中 國女性搬回中國,這確實已經成為台灣嚴重社會問題。這種不斷再婚的中國新娘,又被稱為「黑寡婦」,他們實在很像交尾之後把雄蜘蛛吃掉的的毒蜘蛛「黑寡 婦」(《自由時報》,2003年3月7日)。

根據1995年的官方統計,深圳市龍崗區離鄉背井工作的少女,有超過1000人失蹤。據了解,這些失蹤少女往往不小心坐上人口販賣集團假裝要送他們到工廠 上班的巴士,結果就一去不回。被綁架的少女多半會先被強姦,然後再以每人1,500到2,000元價碼,賣到偏僻的農村、漁村或妓院。

在中國觀光地區常可見到沒有手腳的身心障礙者。不知情的觀光客往往會覺得奇怪,中國爲甚麼有這麼多身心障礙者。不過,這倒是事實,早期鄧小平長男鄧樸方擔 任中國身障者協會會長時,全國據說就有多達6000萬名會員。不過這些沒手沒腳的乞丐,多半是年幼時被綁架,賣掉後硬是砍掉手腳造成的殘障。換言之,「丐 幫」刻意製造身心障礙者,把他們放到觀光地區乞討,藉此牟財。
某台商在福建市被砍斷手腕,原因是歹徒覬覦台商手上的勞力士手錶,因此和台商搭乘的計程車司機勾結,把這名台商載到郊外下手。那名台商忍痛高呼「強 盜!」、「救命!」,附近居民見他全身是血,於是都閉門不出,沒有人伸手援救。台商只好高喊:「誰幫我忙,我就給他1萬元,趕快送我到醫院」。

2002年9月,南京爆發了「大毒殺事件」,數百人吃進了摻入劇毒老鼠藥「毒鼠強」的食品,紛紛中毒死亡。事件爆發後,中國政府趕緊封鎖媒體,但後來消息 走漏,變成世界新聞。兇手不久就被逮捕並判處死刑。至於犯罪原因,竟然只是因為嫉妒敵對商家的生意太好,就在對方販賣的食品中下毒。

中國社會確實愈來愈「劇場化」,民眾圍觀的往往不是什麼運動比賽,反而是觀賞處刑與婦女受暴。邱新德先生的著作《醜陋中國》(台灣福爾摩沙出版社)中指 出,某次他在廣州街頭發現群眾圍成一圈不曉得在看什麼,鑽進去一看,竟發現一名暴漢公然強姦孕婦。於是邱新德寫道:「中國人完全變成了街頭之狗。」




8名援藏西人 控訴遭拘留經歷
Health minister resigns over milk crisis
Hsutung's BLOG

2008年9月26日 星期五

Food scandal highlights political divide in Chin

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Health minister resigns over milk crisis

RESIGNATION: The minister assumed responsibility for delayed and inconsistent decisions in response to the spiraling crisis on contaminated Chinese milk powder

By Shih Hsiu-Chuan
Friday, Sep 26, 2008, Page 1

A young orangutan is checked for kidney stones at an animal hospital in Hangzhou, in China’s Zhejiang Province, yesterday. A lion cub and two baby orangutans from the Hangzhou Safari Park were found to have kidney stones after zoo workers fed them Sanlu brand milk powder for more than a year.



Minister of Health Lin Fang-yue (林芳郁) stepped down yesterday over panic caused by the discovery of contaminated Chinese dairy ingredients and what critics said were belated and inconsistent measures to protect the public and ensure consumer confidence.

“The Department of Health’s [DOH] decision, made for efficiency’s sake, caused misunderstandings and shattered consumer confidence. I should take responsibility,” Lin said at a press conference yesterday morning after attending the weekly Cabinet meeting, during which he tendered his resignation to Premier Liu Chao-shiuan (劉兆玄).

Lin’s resignation was approved later yesterday, making him the first official in President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) administration to step down. The DOH was first blamed for its slow reaction to and mismanagement of the crisis involving Chinese dairy products tainted with the chemical melamine, and then for its inconsistent decisions.

Deputy ministers of health Sung Yen-jen (宋晏仁) and Cheng Shou-hsia (鄭守夏) tendered resignation letters together with Lin.

Liu also approved the resignation of Bureau of Food Safety (BFS) Director Hsiao Tung-ming (蕭東銘).

Late last night, Presidential Office Deputy Secretary-General Yeh Ching-chuan (葉金川), a public health expert, was named as the next health minister.

Critics said the department should have banned dairy imports from China, checked with importers to see if imported products were tainted, and ordered an inspection or sampling of Chinese imports that had reached Taiwan.

Lin’s resignation comes as many consumers and businessmen express frustration over the DOH’s “loose” food inspection standards.

Late on Wednesday night, Sung told a press conference that the DOH had decided to loosen the food safety standard for melamine from 0 parts per million (ppm) to 2.5ppm, meaning that products containing up to 2.5ppm of the chemical could still enter the Taiwanese market.

Based on the new standard, the products of two food companies, which tested positive for melamine under the stricter standard, were allowed to go back on sale, sparking consumer anger.

The DOH said the revised standard was applied after taking into consideration instrument sensitivity and standards in other countries.

Executive Yuan Spokeswoman Vanessa Shih (史亞平) told a press conference yesterday that Liu met with Lin in the afternoon and expressed the hope that Lin would remain in his post.

“But Minister Lin insisted on resigning,” Shih said.

Liu praised Lin for his handling of the controversy, saying the DOH had taken accurate and forthright action from the beginning of the incident to impose bans on imports, to locate the whereabouts of tainted raw materials and to require questionable foodstuffs to be pulled from shelves, Shih said.

Liu had also expressed his admiration over Lin taking political responsibility for the late change in testing standards for the concentration of melamine that caused the unrest, and thanked him for his contributions over the past four months, Shih said.

Later yesterday afternoon, Lin was questioned by Control Yuan member Cheng Jen-hung (程仁宏), who has launched a probe to determine if there were any irregularities or instances of negligence in the government’s handling of the case.



A worker at the Hualien County Animal and Plant Disease Control Center yesterday treats a rare loggerhead turtle whose head was badly wounded.




Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen, second left, and party officials yesterday pay their respects to the party’s late chairman Huang Hsin-chieh at his grave in Bali Township, Taipei County. Tsai called on party members to rediscover the DPP’s founding spirit.



Officials slam DOH shift on melamine

NOT SO TOXIC?: Lawmakers from across the political divide castigated the mixed message sent to store owners as the DOH increased the limit on melamine in food

By Mo Yan-Chih And Shih Hsiu-Chuan
Friday, Sep 26, 2008, Page 4

A store owner takes questionable milk products off the shelves of his store in Taipei yesterday. In response to unclear government policy on milk products imported from China, many stores have removed products containing milk powder to protect consumers and avoid unnecessary problems.


The Department of Health’s (DOH) regulatory change on acceptable melamine levels drew criticism from the Consumer Protection Commission as well as pan-green and pan-blue lawmakers.

The DOH contradicted itself on Wednesday by announcing that the highest permissible concentration of melamine in raw materials and processed foods is to be 2.5 parts per million (ppm), rather than zero ppm as it had announced on Tuesday.

The sudden increase in the permissible amount of melamine in food forced supermarkets to put some of the products they had taken down back up on the shelves starting Wednesday night.

“We hope the DOH gives us clear directions on what products can be on the shelves, and what should be removed. Otherwise local government officials, manufacturers and consumers will all be confused,” Taipei City’s consumer protection ombudsman Chen Po-ching (陳柏菁) said.

Chen led inspectors yesterday morning in making a selective examination on instant coffee, milk tea and creamer in liquid and powder form in four supermarkets in Xinyi District (信義).

While workers at branches of Matsusei Supermarket and Wellcome Supermarket were scrambling to remove problematic products from their shelves as the inspectors visited, Chen urged the DOH to compile a list of products that are allowed to be on the shelves.

“The DOH keeps changing its standards ... and it makes it hard for local inspectors to follow their rules,” Chen said during the inspection.

Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) legislators also lashed out at the DOH for mismanaging the milk contamination crisis.

“The whole thing is a mess,” KMT Legislator Lin Yu-fang (林郁方) said when asked for comment.

The overnight change in the DOH’s policy on melamine has the public wondering whether the government is trying to protect specific businesses, he said, adding that the change of policy had made the nation “a laughingstock in the world.”

“The government should apologize to the people for making the mistake. This is what a responsible government should do,” KMT caucus secretary-general Chang Sho-wen (張碩文) said when approached for comment.

At a separate setting, DPP Legislator Twu Shiing-jer (涂醒哲), who is a physician, said that the standard regulation on melamine for mash and milk powder is 2ppm in China and 1ppm in Hong Kong.

“Is the DOH suggesting with the new regulation Taiwanese people’s health is less important than animals in China?” Twu asked.



COA launches new probe into possible fish contamination

FISH FOOD: Officials from the Fisheries Agency found melamine in squid meal imported from South Korea that was intended for use as feed at fish farms

Friday, Sep 26, 2008, Page 4

The Council of Agriculture (COA) decided yesterday to investigate possible melamine contamination in the aquaculture industry, after a fake protein additive was found in a brand of locally produced fish food.

Fisheries Agency Director General James Sha (沙志一) said his agency would identify all the fish farms that have used the contaminated food in the next few days and then test their fish for melamine residue.

The contaminated fish food made by a Pingtung County-based manufacturer was made for feeding groupers, milkfish and Japanese seaperches.

The agency uncovered the problem during its latest regular inspection of fish food. Melamine, which had not been a target in tests, was included after the chemical was found in squid viscera meal from South Korea intended as a fish food ingredient last week.

Sha said a preliminary investigation linked the contamination in Taiwan to South Korea.

Sha said the contaminated fish food was processed from a batch of squid meal that had been imported from South Korea last month.

Of the 36,000kg of squid meal imported by the Taiwanese manufacturer, 30,750kg were used to produce a total of 200,000kg of fish food and more than 170,000kg of the fishmeal had been sold to local fish farms.

The agency seized the manufacturer’s inventory of contaminated feed and has ordered a recall of the sold products.



Food scandal highlights political divide in China

FOOD CHOICE: The age-old practice of separating food supply for the rulers and the public is raising discontent as consumers grapple with tainted food

Friday, Sep 26, 2008, Page 5

While China grapples with its latest tainted food crisis, the political elite are served the choicest, safest delicacies. They get hormone-free beef from the grasslands of Inner Mongolia, organic tea from the foothills of Tibet and rice watered by melted mountain snow.

And it’s all supplied by a special government outfit that provides all-organic goods from farms working under the strictest guidelines.

That secure food supply stands in stark contrast to the frustrations of ordinary citizens who have faced recurring food scandals — vegetables with harmful pesticide residue, fish tainted with a cancer-causing chemical, eggs colored with industrial dye, fake liquor causing blindness or death, holiday pastries with bacteria-laden filling.

Now that the country’s most reputable dairies have been found selling baby formula and other milk products tainted with an industrial chemical that can cause kidney stones and kidney failure, many Chinese don’t know what to buy. Tens of thousands of children have been sickened and four babies have died.

Knowing that their leaders do not face these problems has made some people angry.

“Food safety is a high priority for children and families of government officials, so are normal citizens less entitled to safe food?” asked Zhong Lixun, feeding her seven-month-old grandson baby formula after he got checked for kidney stones at Beijing Children’s Hospital.

The State Council Central Government Offices Special Food Supply Center was specifically designed to avoid the problems troubling the general population.

“We all know that average production facilities use large quantities of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Antibiotics and hormones are commonly used in raising livestock and poultry. Farmed aquatic products are contaminated by various kinds of water pollution,” center director Zhu Yonglan said in a speech earlier this year.

“It goes without saying that these are harmful when consumed by humans,” Zhu told executives at supplier Shandong Ke’er Biological Medical Technology Development Co, which posted it on its Web site.

Zhu’s speech has been widely circulated by Chinese Internet users on blogs and forums in recent days, with many expressing outrage that top government officials have a separate — and safer — food supply than the public.

The special food center enforces strict standards on suppliers like Shandong Ke’er, which makes health supplements designed to boost immunity and energy. Foods must be organic, not genetically modified and meet international food standards, said a manager in the center’s product department, who only gave her surname, Zhang.

The reason: its A-list clientele of government officials and retirees of vice minister rank or higher.

It’s not unusual for China’s leadership to have a special food supply; the practice stretches back thousands of years to farms providing ingredients for lavish imperial meals or the greasy, spicy dishes favored by former leader Mao Zedong (毛澤東).

The former Soviet Union’s ruling classes also ate food that was unavailable to the masses. In North Korea, where withering famines have seen tens of thousands starve over the past 13 years, leader Kim Jong-il is a gourmet known for his love of lobster, shark’s fin soup and sushi.

Set up in 2004, China’s Special Food Supply Center is almost as secretive as its high-end clientele, whose precise number is unclear, but includes hundreds of top political leaders, their families and retired cadres. Much of the information on its Web site was removed after media inquiries and interview requests this week.

Goods deemed to meet the highest standards are stamped with the label “Nation A,” which stands for “top end, irreplaceable, the best,” the Web site says.

Those products are for senior politicians or government offices and not released to the general consumer market, a customer service agent surnamed Dong said.

Since the latest tainted food scandal broke earlier this month, Chinese looking for reassurance have turned to one company not named in any recalls — Sanyuan Foods Ltd.

It proudly advertises that its milk is used for state banquets at the Great Hall of the People. And despite its higher price, sales have tripled in Beijing, while demand has outstripped supply in at least one province.





Don’t get your hopes up

There has been a great deal of talk about President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) achievements regarding cross-strait relations. He has started a three-phase reconciliation process, which would end with a so-called “peace accord.”

Until now, Ma’s “achievements” reside solely in allowing weekend charter flights to and from China and accepting China’s gift of two pandas, when in fact it has always been China who has pushed for these exchanges. This means the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) has not requested anything on behalf of Taiwan but has only been conciliatory toward China in the hope that Beijing would reciprocate.

A little lesson in Canadian history will show that rules of reciprocity do not always work as expected.

The political relations between Canada and Quebec have always been difficult. When Jean Lesage won the 1960 elections in Quebec, a new wave of hope among Quebecers for self-assertion, economic growth and full recognition by Canada swept the nation. Under the slogan “Masters in our own House,” the new Quebec government started reforms, most of which would not be welcomed by the Canadian government. This did not stop Lesage, as he was ready to negotiate and compromise. Some initiatives, such as the creation of a provincial pension plan, were a success.

However, when it came to other federal-provincial relations, negotiations were not as easy. Quebec wanted the decentralization of the federal government, but the federal government was not willing to give up its powers. Another source of confrontation was in regards to the status of Quebec; in the 1960s, Quebec Province was still not fully recognized in the Canadian Confederation. The frustration level rose on both sides; Lesage had been the first to go to the federal government with open hands and he had accepted some of Canada’s demands (much like Ma has been willing and conciliatory with Beijing), and expectations of reciprocity were high.

The government refused Quebec’s demands and negotiations stalled. Finally, Lesage’s party was split into two factions, Quebec received little from the Canadian government and its people felt more isolated than ever.

Lesage did exactly as Ma is trying to do. He’s extending an olive branch to China, showing good will in the hope that by giving China a little space, it will give Taiwan a little in return.

Unfortunately, what he doesn’t realize is that China does not care about “reconciliation.” China has one agenda: total reunification. China will take whatever Taiwan gives, but when Ma’s turn comes, China will give him the cold shoulder.

Bringing peace to the Taiwan Strait would be a great achievement, but by expecting reciprocity from across the Strait, Ma will end up pushing Taiwan and China further apart when Beijing crushes these expectations and hopes.

P.S. Dangoisse

To be healthy is glorious

The melamine scandal points to the limitations of Deng Xiaoping’s (鄧小平) 1992 credo “To get rich is glorious” just as global financial woes point to the limitations of capitalism without proper regulation and oversight designed to serve the public good (“Conspiracy of silence feeds food scandals,” Sept. 22, page 9).

In China, adding melamine boosted protein ratings of dairy products at low cost, raising profits while risking consumer health.

In the US, encouraging risky home mortgages boosted short-term profits but has now imploded, leading to a sea change on Wall Street so dramatic that its long-term effects are just beginning to appear.

The credos “greed is good” and “to get rich is glorious” have invited such excess. All credos oversimplify at their peril. But to be alive and healthy, now that truly is glorious.

William Cooper
President emeritus
University of Richmond
Richmond, Virginia



The bitter aftertaste of the Chinese food scandal

By Paul Lin 林保華
Friday, Sep 26, 2008, Page 8

Making a pun on the words “independence” and “poison,” both pronounced du in Chinese, China often refers to “Taiwanese independence” as “Taiwanese poison.” In reality, however, it is in China that poisonous contaminants keep turning up in food, proving that the real “poison” is China itself.

An Internet user and new father in Jiangsu Province posted an article saying he had bought Sanlu milk powder to support the economy by buying Chinese-made goods. He now asks: “What is the purpose of patriotism and supporting Chinese-made products? As a child, I learned the saying ‘Without a country, we have no home.’ But what have I got in return for my patriotism? The hardest thing to bear is when you are betrayed by the one you trust the most. It’s a feeling worse than death.”

Complaints about Sanlu’s milk powder first appeared on Chinese Web sites in February, but bureaucrats and businesspeople found ways to get them deleted. Newspaper reports began appearing early this month, but not until Sept. 13 did China’s State Council Information Office, under pressure from the New Zealand government, call a press conference. On Sept. 17, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao (溫家寶) publicly censured the responsible authorities for failing to monitor the situation, and on Sept. 19 Chinese President Hu Jintao (胡錦濤) criticized the officials involved for being “numb and uncaring.”

Given that melamine-tainted products have been sold all over China, and that an international scandal occurred last year when pets died from eating contaminated Chinese-made pet food, just replacing a couple of company presidents and local officials will not be enough.

It was public pressure that forced the resignation of Li Changjiang (李長江), head of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, on Monday.

Yili Group products have also tested positive for melamine. Last year Hu visited the Yili Group and gave it his endorsement. Surely it is the Chinese Communist Party and government leaders who should be taking responsibility for the scandal.

Almost every country in the world has banned existing imports of Chinese milk powder. Last week I wrote that Taiwan’s government should lodge complaints with the WHO and WTO to uphold national sovereignty and dignity and protect Taiwanese interests. But all the government did was inform the WHO that some Taiwanese products made with Chinese milk powder had been sold to Hong Kong. The government put Taiwan in the position of being an accomplice of Beijing, providing the Chinese-controlled WHO with another opportunity to belittle Taiwan’s sovereignty.

Has China shown the slightest remorse for its wrongdoings? No. Hu and Wen have not expressed the slightest contrition, and Wang Xiaobing (王小兵), deputy general secretary of China’s Association for Relations across the Taiwan Strait, on a visit to Taiwan, behaved as if it had nothing to do with him.

In an unusual move, Shigeru Omi, outgoing WHO regional director for the Western Pacific, criticized the Beijing authorities on Sunday for not warning the international community early enough, but Xinhua news agency reported that “the WHO said that China had been earnest and conscientious in its handling of the milk powder contamination affair.” Clearly, Beijing has not learned the lesson and is still lying and covering things up.

This “China poison” affair has caused panic and Taiwan’s food industry has been hit. If the government sticks to its pro-China line and completely opens up markets and cross-strait links, the result will be more poisoning. For both body and mind, staying independent is the way to stay healthy.

Paul Lin is a political commentator.



President Ma Ying-jeou yesterday looks at a robot invented by the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology on the opening day of the Taipei International Invention Show and Technomart. The event runs at the Taipei World Trade Center through Sunday.



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2008年9月24日 星期三

melamine scandal from China's chaos

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Cabinet grilled over melamine scandal

ANGRY LEGISLATORS: DPP lawmakers called for heads to roll, accusing the government of reacting too slowly after learning that stores were selling tainted products

By Shelley Huang

Tuesday, Sep 23, 2008, Page 1

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislators yesterday grilled Health Minister Lin Fang-yue (林芳郁) and Vice Premier Paul Chiu (邱正雄) over the government’s response to the melamine scandal, panning the government for not pulling tainted products from store shelves.

At a meeting of the legislature’s Health, Environment and Labor Committee yesterday, DPP caucus whip William Lai (賴清德) asked Lin whether Maxwell instant coffee, the brand served to legislative staff, contained melamine.

Lin responded by saying: “The toxicity is limited if you don’t drink it very often.”

Lai pressed on, saying the instant coffee was imported from China, to which Lin replied that although the Department of Health had banned milk powder, dairy products and products containing plant protein from China, it would not recall products that had already entered the country.

“Your logic is all wrong,” Lai said, calling for all unsafe products to be recalled.

After taking the podium, DPP Legislator Chen Ying (陳瑩) offered Chiu, who doubles as chairman of the Consumer Protection Commission (CPC), and Lin each a cup of Maxwell coffee.

The two hesitated to take the cups, at which point Chen asked: “Didn’t you say as long as you drink lots of water, you can clear your body of melamine?”

In June, a Taiwanese company imported 1,000 25kg bags of Chinese milk powder tainted with the industrial chemical and sold them to food processing factories to be used in cakes, beverages and calcium tablets.

On Sunday, the concerns over tainted products spread as King Car Industrial Co (金車) recalled eight of its products containing non-dairy creamer from China, all of which tested positive for melamine.

Another six companies that use non-dairy creamer from China sent their products to be tested for melamine yesterday.

The health department also said it had tested 18 locally produced brands of fresh milk and found no melamine.

At the meeting yesterday, Chen mocked Lin, bowing her head in prayer as a reference to a comment Lin made in June during the enterovirus outbreak, when he said he would rely on prayer if the outbreak persisted.

Accusing health officials and the CPC of responding too slowly after learning that tainted products were being sold in Taiwan, Chen “prayed” that God give these officials “capacity, determination and a sense of shame and responsibility.”

Asked by Chen whether any officials should step down to take responsibility, Chiu said the officials had done everything they should to deal with the tainted products.

In response to companies that have said the ban on select imports from China would hurt their business, Lin asked them to “withstand this temporary pain to grow in the long run.”

Noting that Japanese agriculture minister Seiichi Ota had resigned on Friday over his ministry’s handling of imported rice tainted with mold and pesticide, DPP Legislator Huang Sue-ying (黃淑英) asked who should resign over the milk scandal.

“We didn’t do anything wrong,” Chiu replied. “All this time health officials have worked hard ... There’s no need to kill a person every time [a problem arises].”

At a separate setting yesterday, Control Yuan member Cheng Jen-hung (程仁宏) said he would start a probe this week to determine whether there were any irregularities in the government’s handling of the scandal.

Cheng said he planned to question officials at the health department, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Council of Agriculture to determine whether information was withheld from the public about the contamination or whether there had been any failings in cross-strait communication on food safety.

The government should conduct a thorough examination of all dairy products on the market and demand businesses pull questionable products immediately, he said.



Dissident fed up with Taiwan

HOMESICK?: Cai Lujun, who spent three years in a Chinese jail for criticizing Beijing, said that he was tired of being a ‘half ghost’ in Taiwan and wanted to go home

Tuesday, Sep 23, 2008, Page 3

A Chinese dissident, angry that Taiwan has not granted him permanent asylum, yesterday asked the government to send him back to China.

Cai Lujun (蔡陸軍), 40, said he made the request because he could no longer endure the “endless wait” for asylum and the humiliation of living like a “half ghost, half human being.”

He said he is not afraid of imprisonment in China for defecting to Taiwan, because it would be better being jailed in China than begging for food and waiting indefinitely for asylum in Taiwan.

In a statement entitled “The Taiwan and US Governments, Please Remember: I am a Human Being!” Cai also blasted the US for rejecting his asylum application, calling it a coward before China.

Cai applied for asylum in the US with the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) on Sept. 11.

The AIT turned him down on the grounds that Taiwan has a well-established mechanism to protect asylum seekers.

Cai, a former businessman in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, China, was jailed for three years in 2003 for criticizing China’s government on the Internet.

On July 26 last year he fled to Taiwan on a Taiwan fishing boat to seek asylum.

Cai was kept in a detention center for illegal Chinese job seekers for three months and was released in December, after Taipei confirmed that he was a bona fide defector.

Then began the long wait to be granted asylum.

The Mainland Affairs Council promised to grant asylum to Cai and four other Chinese pro-democracy activists — some of whom have been in Taiwan for four years — or find a third country to accept them.

But the council said it could not grant asylum now as an asylum bill is still pending review in the legislature. Its effort to help them find asylum in a foreign country has been futile because most countries have diplomatic ties with China and do not want to offend Beijing by sheltering Chinese dissidents.

Cai lives on a NT$10,000 monthly subsidy and cannot work, receive public healthcare or apply for a cellphone because he does not have permanent residence.

After holding several news conferences and a half-day hunger strike in front of the Presidential Office, Cai said he had lost faith in the Taiwanese government and wanted to go home, even if he faces jail in China.

“After one year’s painful experience in Taiwan, I now want to return to China. China is a scoundrel and it admits it is a scoundrel. Taiwan is more shameless than China because it claims to be a nation of freedom and democracy but does not respect human rights,” he said by telephone.



A sun halo, usually caused by the interaction of sunlight on atmospheric ice crystals, is seen behind a Rothschild giraffe as it leans over a wall to take food from the hands of visitors at The Giraffe Center in the Lang’ata suburb of Nairobi, Kenya, on Sunday. Run by the African Fund for Endangered Wildlife, The Giraffe Center was founded in 1979 and aims to protect the Rothschild giraffe.






A sovereign disorder

I totally agree with the Liberty Times editorial’s characterization of President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) policies as suggestive of a person with multiple personality disorder. (“President Ma gives away the store,” Sept. 15, page 8).

I could go further and say that Ma and his diehard Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) followers seem to suffer from a developmental disorder given that they continue to dwell in the past, thinking and believing that they still live in a country called the Republic of China (ROC), which exists only in history books.

In an interview with a Mexican reporter, Ma said the government should not waste time and effort trying to resolve the sovereignty issue. (“‘State to state’ theory is dead, Ma says,” Sept. 4, page 1). I wonder how much time and effort Ma’s administration has actually spent on this issue other than making hints at unconditional surrender.

The problem of Taiwan’s sovereignty will be solved as soon as the president is willing to declare that the country’s name is no longer Republic of China in light of the UN’s “one China” policy, which recognizes the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and not the ROC.

Ma and his followers have been trying hard to bury Taiwanese sovereignty even though Taiwan is regarded around the world as an independent country. His administration has actively refused to insist on Taiwan’s status in the world arena, and without any real pressure from outside.

I guess Chinese President Hu Jintao (胡錦濤) and his people in the PRC must be overjoyed at seeing Ma surrender his title as president and then his country’s sover “Long live the ROC” will not resurrect it from obscurity.

I hope the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) will use the Double Ten festivities to organize some protest action by chanting “Long Live Taiwan,” which represents the only hope of a future for Taiwanese.

Top DPP officials should conduct public education campaigns from time to time to encourage people to demand the government hold a referendum on changing the nation’s title from the ROC to the “Republic of Taiwan,” or just “Taiwan.” If not, Taiwan will be gobbled up.

Kris Liao
San Francisco, California


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2008年9月19日 星期五

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Re: [GlobalForumIntl] Letter in Calgary Herald-- Pls post on fapa forum.



Louise chen

寄給 TDACheng-KuangglobalforumintlGlobalForumInt.
顯示詳細資料 15:23 (1 小時以前)

Dear All
Taiwan society may be out of order if Taiwan become part of PRC that belongs CCP dictatorship powerful rulers, more gainsters will move to island from PRC, the poor Chinese will move to island-Taiwan repeatedly, but not rich Chinese, and more Chinese will replace Taiwanese positions.
PLA will occupy island and oppress sooner eventually. More citizens of Taiwan will become
unemployees or poverty-ridden, even become beggars.
The only way for Taiwan better bright future, woould be help citizens of Taiwan understand
They are true masters of the land, that Taiwan future is desided by the people, the island is land of the people, by the people and for the people thatg right and privileges above all.
However, claim the international peach workers help Taiwan freedom independent is part of Taiwanese own tasks.
The proper education and details Taiwan true history help children by parents or elders and from schools are most important help the people of Taiwanese walk in the right path and bright future.
If children honest the royalty own nation-Taiwan, than they will become responsible citizens, than they can respect self-identity, than they can respect their parents or elders, as well as relatives or people live in the same land.
On the other hands, if children dishonor own nation-Taiwan, but call themself-Chinese, than they may become hostile Taiwan, than they may get rid of self-identity, than they could disrespect the parents or elders, but adore or admire the enemy CCP brital, or knell caps for snobbish, walk to traps, etc.
Many people vote current present Ma, because they wish the richest KMT can bring back the money or gold help Taiwan eocominc growing, but Taiwanese dreams nightmares.
Anyone has opinion or reply

--- On Wed, 9/17/08, Cheng-Kuang Chen <chengkuangchen@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: Cheng-Kuang Chen <chengkuangchen@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [GlobalForumIntl] Letter in Calgary Herald-- Pls post on fapa forum.
To: "TDA" <tati@taiwantt.org.tw>
Date: Wednesday, September 17, 2008, 11:48 PM

Bridge to Nowhere
Dear Coen:
Different eyes see different messages in the same movie. As I can see from your description, it’s the ROC-DPP and its die-hard supporters like you that fit the image of Colonel Nicholson so perfectly that I was surprised you failed to see it. I assume in that movie, Bridge on the River Kwai, the bridge led to somewhere, but in your make of the movie on Taiwan , the bridge built by your camp is leading to nowhere!!
It is sad to see that you and the other FAPA guys had worked so hard to protect ROC and KMT by concocting a poisoned apple, called “ Taiwan is ROC and ROC is Taiwan ”, and fed it to the innocent Taiwanese. Your fallacy is most welcome to the Communist China, which also maintains that ROC is Taiwan and Taiwan is ROC. Now, who is Beijing ’s mouthpiece?
Due to your wrong interpretation, you had not only misled FAPA, but also misguided the US Congress such that it mixed up [ Formosa ] with [the ferocious ROC-KMT regime that had invaded and occupied Formosa ]. You should have known that Formosa is the victim, and the ROC regime is the killer and aggressor. How can the victim and the killer be the same one? This is not a magic show. Those who support such lies will eventually come down as the historical sinners of Taiwan . Time will disclose the truth sooner or later.
Now that the election results in Taiwan had switched the spotlight back to ROC-KMT, the bridge made by ROC-DPP was officially destroyed. But, your camp still would not believe it’s over. You continued to champion ROC by dressing it up as Taiwan , and tried to sneak into the UN. I bet you don’t even know who you are working for any more, Taiwan , ROC or PRC? You are deceiving the Formosans by using the fallacy, [The people of Taiwan has the right and can join UN], but as what country, may I ask? Neither Taiwan nor ROC is a sovereign state, and statehood is the requirement of UN membership. You are merely obsessed with a delusion not sustainable. See, how well you can play the role of Colonel Nicholson?
If we should follow your storyline to the end, Taiwanese would have nothing to fight against PRC’s invasion, because ROC is part of China . If ROC is Taiwan , according to you, China can legally take over Taiwan without a sweat. Now, who is marching to the drumbeat of Beijing , yet is paid for by the innocent Taiwanese taxpayers? The future of Taiwan would turn black at the end of the movie made by ROC-DPP and FAPA guys, the historical sinners of Taiwan . Is this how you want to be remembered by the numerous Taiwanese to come, who would lose hope for democracy because of you?
It is the US Department of State that said [ Taiwan cannot join UN]. So, what’s the big deal? Why don’t you protest to Daniel Wilder, the spokesman of DOS.
Our way is the fastest, safest and most reliable way to help Taiwan reach for international organizations, such as UN. Why do you oppose without good reasons! Each step of our way is backed up by sound legality as follows.
(1) Request termination of the military occupation by ROC. Whoever brought the devilish invaders to Formosa is obliged to take it away from us. This is the greatest wish shared by all Formosans.
(2) Organize the civil government, draft and legalize the organic laws per referendum of the people of Formosa .
(3) The foreign power, KMT and ROC, the regime in exile shall be back to their homeland, Kinmen and Matsu . Like it or not, it’s the law.
(4) The people of Formosa need to learn how to manage themselves under the protection of USMG, which has the power and obligation to help Formosa achieve its goal.
(5) In the case of Cuba , it took a few years, and in Philippines ’ 10 years to get independent. Puerto Rico is still undecided on its independence.
After a few years of initial promotion, we have stepped into action starting March 26th, 2006. Look at what we have accomplished so far in less than 3 years!!
1. The federal lawsuit has got to the court of appeals, after you lied to the public that it was dismissed and hit a dead end. You should apologize to the Formosans for spreading the wrong information intended to break their hearts.
2. We have applied and started to organize the Formosa Civil Government.
3. The passport of Formosa Cession has been issued.
4. The flag of the Formosan Cession is established.
Each step of our endeavors has been sent to US-DOS for their records.
The lawsuit is proceeding in the [Court of Appeals], and the more than 1,000 pages accumulated legal documents were viewed by nearly 3 dozens of professional lawyers, who spent nearly 3 years on the case. If even the DOS attorneys could not dismiss the case of [Lin v. USA ], all the laypersons like Coen, Steve and Allen etc. should refrain themselves from spreading unprofessional gossips. Since many of you are actually spending the money taxed from Formosans, you should strive to work with Dr. Roger Lin et al, instead of wasting all parties’ money and time by carrying on the endless disputes based on the ROC-DPP’s Bridge to Nowhere.
Global Forum Cheng Kuang Chen
Sept. 17, 2008

coenblaauw@aol.com wrote:
Again, you are doing Beijing's work -- You have become their mouthpiece ---

That you rally a couple of innocent and well-meaning folk in front of the presidential palace and label this as a "Mass Protest" is fine. All these pinprick events WITHIN Taiwan are fine as a matter of fact. Especially that talk about a shadow government and about moving the ROC to Kinmen and Matsu. It does not attest to a large sense of reality, but it is kind of cute.

But that you now start telling the people of Canada (and thus the rest of the online community) that the 23 million of Taiwan will not be able to join the United Nations based on some sort of legal "theory" and under the guise of "education" is unacceptable. That is exactly Beijing's position!

That sad sap Colonel Nicholson comes to mind -- the character in the 1957 movie "Bridge on the River Kwai" played by Alec Guinness. British officer Nicholson is SO PROUD of the bridge he so carefully designed and built that he rather shoots down and sacrifices his own men than see the structure he designed collapse and fade away.

And just before the end credits start rolling you see him wonder around aimlessly murmuring to himself "What have I done...? What have I done...?"

And then the screen turns to black....


* * *

International laws; Calgary Herald
Published: Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The conjecture that Taiwan fully qualifies for admission to the UN is often advanced in a wide variety of media. Unfortunately, however, what the authors of these articles completely overlook in their analysis is a branch of international law called the "laws of war." Under the laws of war of the post-Napoleonic period, the Oct. 25, 1945 Japanese surrender ceremonies in Taiwan did not mark the transfer of Taiwan's sovereignty to China (as the Chinese have so vociferously proclaimed for over 60 years). Legally speaking, the completion of the surrender ceremonies only marked the beginning of the military occupation of Taiwan. The Chinese moved its central government to occupied Taiwan, to become a government in exile. Not surprisingly, when Japan renounced its sovereignty over Taiwan in the post-war peace treaty, the government in exile20was not designated as the recipient. Hence, Taiwan is not a state, it remains as occupied territory. As such, it cannot enter the United Nations.

Roger C.S. Lin

Roger C.S. Lin has a Ph. D. in international law from Meijo University in Japan, has served as chairman of the Taiwan Civil Democratic Party, and currently lives in Taipei, Taiwan.

The Calgary Herald 2008

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hsutung yang

寄給 GlobalForumIntl
顯示詳細資料 16:34 (0 分鐘以前)

yes , We must go our own way .

2008/9/19 Louise chen <lchen4real@yahoo.com>
- 顯示引用文字 -

Dear All
Taiwan society may be out of order if Taiwan become part of PRC that belongs CCP dictatorship powerful rulers, more gainsters will move to island from PRC, the poor Chinese will move to island-Taiwan repeatedly, but not rich Chinese, and more Chinese will replace Taiwanese positions.
PLA will occupy island and oppress sooner eventually. More citizens of Taiwan will become
unemployees or poverty-ridden, even become beggars.
The only way for Taiwan better bright future, woould be help citizens of Taiwan understand
They are true masters of the land, that Taiwan future is desided by the people, the island is land of the people, by the people and for the people thatg right and privileges above all.
However, claim the international peach workers help Taiwan freedom independent is part of Taiwanese own tasks.
The proper education and details Taiwan true history help children by parents or elders and from schools are most important help the people of Taiwanese walk in the right path and bright future.
If children honest the royalty own nation-Taiwan, than they will become responsible citizens, than they can respect self-identity, than they can respect their parents or elders, as well as relatives or people live in the same land.
On the other hands, if children dishonor own nation-Taiwan, but call themself-Chinese, than they may become hostile Taiwan, than they may get rid of self-identity, than they could disrespect the parents or elders, but adore or admire the enemy CCP brital, or knell caps for snobbish, walk to traps, etc.
Many people vote current present Ma, because they wish the richest KMT can bring back the money or gold help Taiwan eocominc growing, but Taiwanese dreams nightmares.
Anyone has opinion or reply

--- On Wed, 9/17/08, Cheng-Kuang Chen <chengkuangchen@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: Cheng-Kuang Chen <chengkuangchen@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [GlobalForumIntl] Letter in Calgary Herald-- Pls post on fapa forum.
To: "TDA" <tati@taiwantt.org.tw>
Date: Wednesday, September 17, 2008, 11:48 PM

Bridge to Nowhere
Dear Coen:
Different eyes see different messages in the same movie. As I can see from your description, it's the ROC-DPP and its die-hard supporters like you that fit the image of Colonel Nicholson so perfectly that I was surprised you failed to see it. I assume in that movie, Bridge on the River Kwai, the bridge led to somewhere, but in your make of the movie on Taiwan , the bridge built by your camp is leading to nowhere!!
It is sad to see that you and the other FAPA guys had worked so hard to protect ROC and KMT by concocting a poisoned apple, called " Taiwan is ROC and ROC is Taiwan ", and fed it to the innocent Taiwanese. Your fallacy is most welcome to the Communist China, which also maintains that ROC is Taiwan and Taiwan is ROC. Now, who is Beijing 's mouthpiece?
Due to your wrong interpretation, you had not only misled FAPA, but also misguided the US Congress such that it mixed up [ Formosa ] with [the ferocious ROC-KMT regime that had invaded and occupied Formosa ]. You should have known that Formosa is the victim, and the ROC regime is the killer and aggressor. How can the victim and the killer be the same one? This is not a magic show. Those who support such lies will eventually come down as the historical sinners of Taiwan . Time will disclose the truth sooner or later.
Now that the election results in Taiwan had switched the spotlight back to ROC-KMT, the bridge made by ROC-DPP was officially destroyed. But, your camp still would not believe it's over. You continued to champion ROC by dressing it up as Taiwan , and tried to sneak into the UN. I bet you don't even know who you are working for any more, Taiwan , ROC or PRC? You are deceiving the Formosans by using the fallacy, [The people of Taiwan has the right and can join UN], but as what country, may I ask? Neither Taiwan nor ROC is a sovereign state, and statehood is the requirement of UN membership. You are merely obsessed with a delusion not sustainable. See, how well you can play the role of Colonel Nicholson?
If we should follow your storyline to the end, Taiwanese would have nothing to fight against PRC's invasion, because ROC is part of China . If ROC is Taiwan , according to you, China can legally take over Taiwan without a sweat. Now, who is marching to the drumbeat of Beijing , yet is paid for by the innocent Taiwanese taxpayers? The future of Taiwan would turn black at the end of the movie made by ROC-DPP and FAPA guys, the historical sinners of Taiwan . Is this how you want to be remembered by the numerous Taiwanese to come, who would lose hope for democracy because of you?
It is the US Department of State that said [ Taiwan cannot join UN]. So, what's the big deal? Why don't you protest to Daniel Wilder, the spokesman of DOS.
Our way is the fastest, safest and most reliable way to help Taiwan reach for international organizations, such as UN. Why do you oppose without good reasons! Each step of our way is backed up by sound legality as follows.
(1) Request termination of the military occupation by ROC. Whoever brought the devilish invaders to Formosa is obliged to take it away from us. This is the greatest wish shared by all Formosans.
(2) Organize the civil government, draft and legalize the organic laws per referendum of the people of Formosa .
(3) The foreign power, KMT and ROC, the regime in exile shall be back to their homeland, Kinmen and Matsu . Like it or not, it's the law.
(4) The people of Formosa need to learn how to manage themselves under the protection of USMG, which has the power and obligation to help Formosa achieve its goal.
(5) In the case of Cuba , it took a few years, and in Philippines ' 10 years to get independent. Puerto Rico is still undecided on its independence.
After a few years of initial promotion, we have stepped into action starting March 26th, 2006. Look at what we have accomplished so far in less than 3 years!!
1. The federal lawsuit has got to the court of appeals, after you lied to the public that it was dismissed and hit a dead end. You should apologize to the Formosans for spreading the wrong information intended to break their hearts.
2. We have applied and started to organize the Formosa Civil Government.
3. The passport of Formosa Cession has been issued.
4. The flag of the Formosan Cession is established.
Each step of our endeavors has been sent to US-DOS for their records.
The lawsuit is proceeding in the [Court of Appeals], and the more than 1,000 pages accumulated legal documents were viewed by nearly 3 dozens of professional lawyers, who spent nearly 3 years on the case. If even the DOS attorneys could not dismiss the case of [Lin v. USA ], all the laypersons like Coen, Steve and Allen etc. should refrain themselves from spreading unprofessional gossips. Since many of you are actually spending the money taxed from Formosans, you should strive to work with Dr. Roger Lin et al, instead of wasting all parties' money and time by carrying on the endless disputes based on the ROC-DPP's Bridge to Nowhere.
Global Forum Cheng Kuang Chen
Sept. 17, 2008

coenblaauw@aol.com wrote:
Again, you are doing Beijing's work -- You have become their mouthpiece ---

That you rally a couple of innocent and well-meaning folk in front of the presidential palace and label this as a "Mass Protest" is fine. All these pinprick events WITHIN Taiwan are fine as a matter of fact. Especially that talk about a shadow government and about moving the ROC to Kinmen and Matsu. It does not attest to a large sense of reality, but it is kind of cute.

But that you now start telling the people of Canada (and thus the rest of the online community) that the 23 million of Taiwan will not be able to join the United Nations based on some sort of legal "theory" and under the guise of "education" is unacceptable. That is exactly Beijing's position!

That sad sap Colonel Nicholson comes to mind -- the character in the 1957 movie "Bridge on the River Kwai" played by Alec Guinness. British officer Nicholson is SO PROUD of the bridge he so carefully designed and built that he rather shoots down and sacrifices his own men than see the structure he designed collapse and fade away.

And just before the end credits start rolling you see him wonder around aimlessly murmuring to himself "What have I done...? What have I done...?"

And then the screen turns to black....


* * *

International laws; Calgary Herald
Published: Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The conjecture that Taiwan fully qualifies for admission to the UN is often advanced in a wide variety of media. Unfortunately, however, what the authors of these articles completely overlook in their analysis is a branch of international law called the "laws of war." Under the laws of war of the post-Napoleonic period, the Oct. 25, 1945 Japanese surrender ceremonies in Taiwan did not mark the transfer of Taiwan's sovereignty to China (as the Chinese have so vociferously proclaimed for over 60 years). Legally speaking, the completion of the surrender ceremonies only marked the beginning of the military occupation of Taiwan. The Chinese moved its central government to occupied Taiwan, to become a government in exile. Not surprisingly, when Japan renounced its sovereignty over Taiwan in the post-war peace treaty, the government in exile20was not designated as the recipient. Hence, Taiwan is not a state, it remains as occupied territory. As such, it cannot enter the United Nations.

Roger C.S. Lin

Roger C.S. Lin has a Ph. D. in international law from Meijo University in Japan, has served as chairman of the Taiwan Civil Democratic Party, and currently lives in Taipei, Taiwan.

The Calgary Herald 2008

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