2008年11月14日 星期五

去台灣辦事處,倒馬吧-----in USA

Gmail hsutung yang


Daiwan 2008年11月14日 下午 9:07
收件者: Undisclosed-Recipient


為什麼全世界有中國人的地方就是髒就是亂? 歐洲人100年前就說中國人是蟑螂,所到之處非髒即亂,妓女,,販毒,黑道,偷搶騙不所不在,讓各國政府頭疼不已! 這種瘟疫與沒有人類感覺的蝗蟲,誰來告訴我台灣人不能消滅髒亂? 中國人不須要消滅? 我們舉個例, 網路上串連, 隨便都有萬餘人,這種連線台灣豈止百條,島內滅中隨便號召都上百,台灣人只是存在著不殺低級動物的耐性與原則,卻被中國來的這些獸人看扁了; 300萬人同一時間被惹火,上街滅中,以每個人身後共四口人為一家計算,那就表示1200萬人贊成島內滅中,也就是必需解讀超過台灣人口數一半贊成島內滅中,適時,管你馬畜牲狗畜牲還是豬畜!

然而最詭異的,是數字,100萬到300,在人數氣氛感染上,等於是隔壁,今天王金平已經感受到這100萬人的氣氛,才會出來說話,但姬芭瑪瑪小姐似乎想知道台灣人的底限,甚至打算用台灣軍警法檢調國安來對付台灣人,所以若要動手,我們必須先告知我們的軍警子弟,不可參予殺害台灣家人的行列,不可學軍警法檢調國安當中國人的走狗,我們必須好好教導台灣子弟,養成默契! 如此一來,100萬到300萬人口數,我估計只需4周時間.

300萬人的象徵意義是什麼? 不管是馬畜牲,狗畜牲還是豬畜牲,都將是跪在馬路上磕頭謝罪致死的畜牲罷了!





覺得危險急著想關鐵門的是警察!!! (套句他說的話,如果他覺得我說謊,歡迎提告!




多希望他可以閉嘴啊!…… 那代表人民保母還有是非觀念與羞恥心,這樣身為受害者的我們也能原諒,會阿Q的認為沈默也代表一種道歉。可是他連在市議會被質詢還是沒說真話,還詭辯說「沒有搜索、沒有扣押」…. 這種似是而非的文字遊戲比明謊更可惡.!因為那是混淆視聽,企圖模糊是與非、真與假的界線,讓人看不清真相,暗示有錯的是店家自己!







唯一能彌補的是:"Honesty is the best policy"。請高層主管機關查明真相,要求濫權的警察認錯、道歉並作出應有的懲處與反省,儘快弭平與人民情感的裂痕,促使事件平和圓滿落幕。讓我們相信:公理正義沒有顏色,台灣社會不論藍綠都問是非,這個國家還值得我們大家繼續努力!



更新日期:2008/11/13 04:34 蔡慧貞∕台北報導







問題不在暴力,在政府濫權 洪裕宏








自從英國狗妈英九, 沐伙兒冠以來,一心想要當共產黨的龜兒子, 抓台灣人進牢房, 馬狗貪數千萬! 結果是中狗貪污, 無罪人類須坐牢, 宋狗貪污, 逍遙海外, 中國狗貪污沒有人受刑法制伏, 中國婊子李慶安是美國籍, 孩子沒屁眼的司法不查!

Hello All

Taiwan is not a country, so the president voted by people just puppet leadership, no wonder every president had no much interesting to develop the homeland, but bribery or black gold, because those presidents knew Taiwanese self blurred their homeland, or did not have sense of justices to stand for the homeland, never claim the island is their country, but let other to decide the island-Taiwan is belonging to who? If citizens of Taiwan do not claim island is their country, enemy CCP takes advantages step up to claim the island belongs it, right?

Abain is good example of all officials’ bribery of black gold in the past. KMT must do everyone be the same, those corruption government officials in more than half of century also must bring up to punishments and fair judgment by the laws say according. No one can escape the bribery or black gold since the past half century ago.

KMT can bring many cases to the court for fair judgments, Can DPP or all variety Taiwan organizations also bring more cases to the court for fair judgment? Taiwanese should not just learn copy or echo bribery but failed obligation to bring those dirty conducts government officials to the courts. But hide them free from the punishment by the laws.

Stop those Taiwanese only learn to be part of collusion but failed to point out those already involved bribery or black gold, but they are free from responsible of laws.

KMT did to Abain is good example of DPP or variety political or organizations to learn and copy, which important to get rid of 3000 years of China dirty trick government official corruption.

How KMT did became the world richest political party in just 40 years in Taiwan, while defeated by CCP relocation to Formosan Island in 1949? How the money did came up? Abain approached citizens of Taiwan vote civil rights of referendum to past the laws to ask KMT return the money and gold to benefit the entire people of island, but citizens of Taiwan rejected Abain approached?

Taiwan needs clean and transparent governments systems by copy the US or even be better then US. Can citizens of Taiwan start watch closely each and everyone government officials or authorities and agencies that any have dishonor conduct bribery or collusion repeatedly?

Learned experiences from the past for learn how take care of solve problems in the future, past is the best mirror for people develop best future, isn't true? Is anyone replying or better suggesting


From: mc_ch@
To: Forum@
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2008 2:22:34 PM
Subject: "
消滅國民黨, 保衛台灣". Re: [Forum] Go To TECO and KMT's Office in S.F.同鄉們,讓我們中去台灣辦事處,倒馬吧

DPP and protesters for Taiwan should concentrate in "消滅國民黨, 保衛台灣".

DPP candidates and Taiwan election did not loose to Ma, They lose the election to evil KMT empire in Taiwan, which includes its illegal party assets, its 35 province proportionate elected judges, prosecutors, its organize crime syndicates, its China centered educations and media lies.

Taiwanese protest for Taiwan, have to attack this evil empire at every level, from White house to Ma, to grassroots in Taiwan. Attack every KMT affiliated organization, its members and supporters, businesses, officials.

Ma can not sell out Taiwan alone, it is this evil KMT Empire, which is selling out Taiwan, destroys this empire, Ma and ROC will go with it.

Masa Siraya,

--- On Thu, 11/13/08, Catharina Gill <EastGate@> wrote:

From: Catharina Gill <EastGate@ >
Subject: [Forum] Go To TECO and KMT's Office in S.F.

To: "Bay " , sb, "fapa " <fapa>, Forum@
Date: Thursday, November 13, 2008, 2:30 PM

This is a positive suggestion.

I suggest that we need to organize a group and visit T.E.C.O. when they are there in weekdays, not on the weekend. We can send our statement to T.E.C.O and ask TECO to give it to Ma.Or, we can go to KMT's office in S. F. to protest A-Bian and other pan green Taiwanese people's human rights are been serious violated. Starting two days ago, he refuses to take any food.

Hawnen Lee
Taiwan Forum, Nor Cal

-------- Original Message --------


Thu, 13 Nov 2008 11:19:47 -0500


I cannot send the following message through either, please help.

看了阿扁被押,我落淚了。看了蘇治芬的正氣,我落淚了。我每看每落淚,為台灣人落淚。 我們必須讓所有的美國人和全世界的人知道, 共匪馬英九,和 台灣沒人權,沒民主。 同鄉們,讓我們中去台灣辦事處,倒馬吧。 我們可以坐BART去。


The main bulk of constituents in the evil KMT Empire are "God dammed" Taiwanese. These slaves on the command of their master execute the evil acts against the real Taiwanese. The injustice today is the result of what we tolerate the Taiwanese ferocious acts in the past, current and possible in the future.

Hugh Chen


I would suggest the Chairman Larry Wortzel of the Congressional Commission on Economic and Strategic Review of China.

This is a strong starting point because Taiwan judicial interests are being undermined by

strategic and economic interests from China. This is one possibility but what do Sydney Chen and others think about this?

Now is not the time for meekness. It is time to assert rights of due process. Lin v. USA

is doing this and is strategically important under the "territorial jurisdiction" of Johnson v. Eisentrager. We need a consensus amongst the broadest scope of Taiwanese as might be possible. TCRLO will follow up with further litigation to broaden the scope of SFPT. It is necessary to focus public interest onto the White Terror period of the KMT. 2-28 is the Alpha of ROC on Taiwan and we must also find the Omega of ROC. The beginning and the end of ROC. Washington pundits love Ma. We've need to send a clear and strong message that Ma is not their godsend. Abian may or may not be guilty of graft but he is not going to get KMT impartial due process from the ROC judiciary.

Jeff Geer

--- On Wed, 11/12/08, Respect (Taipei) <respect.twn@ > wrote:

From: Respect (Taipei) <respect.twn@ >
Subject: [Forum] Sponsor Taiwan "End of USMG?" Congressional Inquiry
To: GlobalForumIntl@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, November 12, 2008, 8:28 PM

It seems to me that you first have to establish that Taiwan is an "overseas territory under the jurisdiction of USMG. Obviously, this is one of the key points of Dr. Roger Lin's court case, when the lawyers stress that the United States is the "principal occupying power" of Taiwan.

I seem to recall that Forum also had a petition to the US Dept. of State some time ago regarding seeking a clarification of when SFPT Article 4(b) jurisdiction of USMG over Taiwan was ended......

(In other words, asking for a clarification of when the Commander in Chief announced the end of USMG TAIWAN, as he did for the Article 3 territories effective May 15, 1972.) See http://www.taiwanke y.net

However, I don't believe any reply was ever received.


On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 11:33 AM, Jeff Geer <taiwanst@> wrote:

We need to get someone in Congress (Senator or Representative) to sponsor a bill in favor of "due process" under TRA. This bill sponsor should be ultimately be someone who is on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee or House International Relations Committee. But anyone in the Taiwan Caucus would be a great start! By due process, we mean "military tribunal" or "military commission" under SFPT judicial administrative authority under Laws of War. Because the 23 million people of Taiwan cannot readily gain access to the United Nations, American due process of SFPT is necessary. Otherwise, 2-28 redress will never be achieved. TCLRO cannot engage in extensive lobbying but another organization can be created for this purpose:

http://www.irs. gov/pub/irs- tege/eotopicl03. pdf