Taipei Times - archives: "President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) yesterday promised to improve the scandal-plagued professional baseball environment and help develop the national sport.
Ma said the government would work toward saving professional baseball by making it free of gambling fraud.
“Professional baseball is not at fault,” he said. “It is those who abuse the sport that are wrong.”"
2009年10月31日 星期六
abuse human rights
no peace
Taipei Times - archives: "Every US president since Wilson has, at least once while in office, uttered the phrase “have no quarrel with” a foreign enemy. Such statements are typically made only days, sometimes hours, before the first US bombs fall. Former US president Bill Clinton promised on the eve of the bombing of Serbia that “I cannot emphasize too strongly that the United States has no quarrel with the Serbian people.”
US President Barack Obama promised from the campaign trail that “We have no quarrel with the Iranian people. They know that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is reckless, irresponsible and inattentive to their day-to-day needs.”
Presidents employ such language for good reason. They know their public, a self-styled melting pot of peoples, would rather fight dictators than brothers and cousins abroad.
Indeed, Wilson’s initial formulation grew from a demographic and political quandary. More than one-third of Americans in 1917 could trace their heritage back to Germany and its allies. Wilson could not implore his people to “kill the Krauts,” as British or French leaders frequently did, because so many of Wilson’s soldiers were, by ethnicity at least, Krauts themselves.
He instead rhetorically transformed US soldiers from fratricidal killers into liberators of their ancient fatherland."
2009年10月30日 星期五
beef problems and green card about ma
Taipei Times - archives: "Yes, the brouhaha of the week was over Uncle Sam’s “mad cow special” beef. The administration of President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) went ahead and lifted some restrictions on US beef imports, much to the delight of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), the de facto US imperial outpost — er, embassy — here.
But then came the “American beef storm” (meiguo niu fengbao, 美國牛風暴), as the media here put it."
china ma do that evil
Taipei Times - archives: "Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) lawmakers urged the government yesterday to ban a Chinese singer from performing in Taipei, citing security concerns.
Chen Sisi (�佷佷), attached to the People's Liberation Army's (PLA) Second Artillery Corps, which is in charge of missiles and nuclear weapons, is scheduled to give a concert at the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall today.
The 33-year-old Chen gained fame last year by singing at the closing of the Beijing Olympics.
DPP Legislator William Lai (�ラ肅) said Chen's performance would give a deceptively friendly impression of the PLA.
'This will dissolve the public's vigilance and hurt our national defense,' Lai said.
Lai said lyrist Qu Yuan (И靮) and music teacher Li Shuanjiang (燠褞蔬) who are accompanying Chen on this trip are also PLA members."
2009年10月29日 星期四
traffic accident
Taipei Times - archives: "The Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) yesterday dismissed a media report that said Taiwan has the highest rate of traffic fatalities among the world’s developed countries.
Hsieh Chao-i (謝潮儀), executive secretary of the Road Traffic Safety Committee, said one of the committee’s division chiefs had provided incorrect statistics in a presentation to a forum on Wednesday.
Hsieh gave reporters the latest statistics from the International Road Federation on motor vehicle fatalities in several countries: On average, the number of deaths per 10,000 vehicles in China was 7.92, 3.77 in Canada, 2.52 in France, 2.44 in Singapore, 2.38 in Hong Kong, 1.71 in the US, 1.57 in Italy and 1.56 in Taiwan."
2009年10月28日 星期三
with soft way to control Taiwan
Taipei Times - archives: "Starting Saturday, direct marketing firm Pro Health (China) Co (寶健中國) is scheduled to send about 10,000 employees on an incentive tour to Taiwan.
The employees will arrive in seven separate groups between Oct. 30 and Nov. 24.
They will embark on a six-day tour and check out tourist attractions in Taipei City, Taichung City, as well as Taipei, Changhua and Nantou counties, but will skip Kaohsiung.
Company president Jason Li (李道) denied that there were political considerations in the way it arranged the tour. He said they made the reservations a while ago."
2009年10月27日 星期二
learn history of KMTand CCP
Taipei Times - archives: "The picture of China presented by Taiwanese media is rather incomplete. China’s history since 1949 is rarely touched upon. As a result, young people in Taiwan hardly understand anything about China.
Many students in my classes have told me that they chose my course because they want to know more about Chinese history since 1949, so such a demand does exist among students.
If we want to get a real understanding of China, we cannot allow the media, pressured as they are by their practical interests, to mislead the public. It is important to give our students a thorough and carefully analyzed foundation in the PRC’s history."
2009年10月26日 星期一
藍委爆:中常委選前 馬也收禮
自由電子報 - 藍委爆:中常委選前 馬也收禮: "〔記者陳曉宜/台北報導〕在黨主席馬英九個人意志下,國民黨中央運作中常委集體請辭全面改選,儘管中常委已被迫與馬主席站在同一邊,但私下的反彈聲浪未減,昨即有藍委不滿指出,許多中常委都是在選前中秋節送禮,包括馬英九總統及各部會首長都收了禮,請問有中常委投票權的總統算不算收賄者?"
2009年10月25日 星期日
自由電子報 - 我的朋友得了狂牛症: "今年七月,好友L開始覺得身體有恙,看東西比例扭曲,走路失去平衡感。她放下一切事務,專心做體檢;眼睛、頸動脈、腦波、電腦斷層掃描,都查不出原因,醫生一度懷疑她是因遭家暴導致憂鬱症。八月十一日,我們約她出來吃飯,想為她排解鬱卒,席間她與我們有說有笑,完全看不出異狀。八月二十一日,得知她被台大醫院診斷疑似罹患「庫賈氏症」,被要求立刻住院。
2009年10月24日 星期六
This man -ma
Taipei Times - archives: "After winning the election, however, Ma ignored public suffering and revealed his true colors as he has succumbed to China at the expense of Taiwanese sovereignty. As Ma’s accomplice, how could Siew serve as Ma’s stand-in with a clear conscience?"
2009年10月20日 星期二
new star
Taipei Times - archives: "An amateur astronomer who discovered an asteroid earlier this year presented a model of his new discovery to Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chu (陳菊) on Monday to share with residents of the city.
Tsai Yuan-sheng (蔡元生) and his assistant, Lin Chi-sheng (林啟生), discovered the asteroid at the Lulin Observatory on Yushan on March 20 and tentatively named it “Kaohsiung,” after his hometown.
In August, the International Astronomical Union’s Committee on Small Body Nomenclature — an international organization responsible for the naming of asteroids and comets — formally approved the designation and gave Tsai’s discovery a permanent number, “215080.”"
This man --ma
Taipei Times - archives: "Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Legislator Lo Shu-lei (羅淑蕾) is a woman with enemies. That is clear regardless of whether one believes her claims that she has received threats from anonymous individuals for criticizing her own party.
The most recent manifestation of this was a proposal submitted to her party’s Central Advisory Council on Sunday that unmistakeably targeted her. The proposal called for “unsuitable” legislators-at-large to resign or face scrutiny by the KMT’s Disciplinary Committee.
It is not clear what, if anything, will come of this proposal. It may be meant as a warning to Lo, who has made enemies within the KMT because of her very public criticism of some of her party’s policies and the administration of President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九)."
2009年10月16日 星期五
big brither coming
Taipei Times - archives: "China’s exports this year have already vaulted it past Germany to become the world’s biggest exporter. Now, those market share gains are threatening to increase trade frictions with the US and Europe. The European Commission proposed on Tuesday to extend antidumping duties on Chinese, as well as Vietnamese, shoe imports.
China is winning a larger piece of a shrinking pie. Although world trade declined this year because of the recession, consumers are demanding lower-priced goods and Beijing, determined to keep its export machine humming, is finding a way to deliver."
2009年10月15日 星期四
death sentences by China
Taipei Times - archives: "Three of the death sentences were suspended for two years, after which such sentences are normally commuted to life in prison, subject to good behavior.
Three more defendants were sentenced to life in prison while the other five were also given long prison terms, Xinhua news agency reported from Urumqi.
Exiled Uighur leader Rebiya Kadeer condemned the earlier death sentences, passed on Monday against six Uighurs, as politically motivated and said they were likely to “further enrage” Uighurs, who have long complained of discrimination."
自由電子報 - 中國觀光痰: "今年夏天,筆者至中部某風景區找經營特產店的友人,閒聊中,一群觀光客推門進來,朋友見狀卻無動於衷,我以為她怕冷落我這個來客,便好意提醒:「客人來了,快去招呼吧!」只見她斜眼一瞧,冷冷道:「阿陸仔,不會買的,讓他們自己看看就好了。」
![]() | hsutung yang |
[I Love Taiwan] 南嘉生:中國來信--一個自我心靈的反省
南嘉生 | 2009年10月14日下午11:51 | |
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2009年10月13日 星期二
no peace at home
Taipei Times - archives: "Analysts say a good performance in the state polls could convince Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh the government can tackle key reforms and a new tax code without any electoral cost. Maoists and police exchanged fire near a polling booth in the forested, rebel stronghold of Gadchiroli in Maharashtra state where they killed 17 police last week.
Navy, air force and paramilitary forces guarded the financial hub of Mumbai, the capital of Maharashtra, which was attacked by Islamist gunmen last year, killing 166 people."
not so well about Lu
Taipei Times - archives: "Since Chen is in detention, Lu said Chen answered their questions in writing. The material was released yesterday.
The former president said some pro-independence groups or activists told him that they opposed seeing Lu take over the presidency if he were to resign over the corruption scandal."
自由電子報 - 向台大政治所學生致敬: "十月十二日十數名台大政治系研究生以聯合聲明的方式,公開就集遊法問題請教原在該系現任內政部長江宜樺。十三日該系所又有學生透過報紙投書,邀約江部長觀賞十五日將於台大校內播映的熱比婭紀錄片「愛的十個條件」。筆者認為這是十分有正面意義的舉動。"
自由電子報 - 九鵬試射飛彈 規模歷來最大
自由電子報 - 九鵬試射飛彈 規模歷來最大: "據指出,國防部不了解馬政府對民進黨政府所留下的攻勢裝備的態度,由於蘇起幾乎左右馬政府軍事戰略的決策方向,蘇起對攻勢武器未非常支持,昨天的試射也有遊說蘇起的味道。
2009年10月12日 星期一
global warming
Taipei Times - archives: "‘The idea of an underwater Cabinet meeting is certainly gimmicky, but it will focus attention on a nation that stands to suffer more than any other from global warming.’"
terror balnave?
Taipei Times - archives: "North Korea has fired five short-range missiles off its east coast and declared a “no sail” zone in the area until Oct. 20, South Korea’s Yonhap news agency quoted a government source as saying yesterday.
South Korean government officials were not immediately available for comment."
2009年10月11日 星期日
四二六擋連事件聲明稿.doc: "自二○○八年馬英九當選以來,我們可以看到馬英九企圖以香港模式,要將台灣置於被中共政權併吞的情境。
Ma , who are you?
Taipei Times - archives: "After observing China’s high-profile National Day celebrations and contrasting them with Taiwan’s low-key arrangements for its National Day on Saturday, analysts said this could indicate President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) wavering concept of national identity.
In stark contrast to China’s extravagant celebrations to mark the 60th anniversary of the Communist Party coming to power in China on Oct. 1, Ma decided in August to cancel this year’s Double Ten National Day celebrations in the wake of the devastation caused by Typhoon Morakot."
2009年10月10日 星期六
Chian control tourist in Taiwan
Taipei Times - archives: "A Chinese company is planning to send 9,500 of its employees and their family members to Taiwan on a sightseeing tour later this month, but they will not visit southern Taiwan, Taiwanese officials said.
Officials from the National Immigration Agency (NIA) and the Tourism Bureau said yesterday that the tourists from Beijing’s Pro-Health company would be divided into seven groups, the first of which would arrive in Taiwan via Hong Kong on Oct. 30."
Taipei Times - archives: "US President Barack Obama has broken with a tradition of almost 20 years by overturning a decision by national security officials to let the US president “meet by chance” with the spiritual leader of Tibet, the Dalai Lama, who is currently visiting Washington. There are reasons for this decision, which may affect US-Taiwan relations.
In late July, the Obama administration met leaders from Beijing at the first ever US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue in Washington, where a preliminary consensus was reached on issues such as the global financial crisis, climate change, North Korea and anti-terrorism."
自由電子報 - 馬騜清白、連任之路
自由電子報 - 馬騜清白、連任之路: "最高法院為審級制度之法律審,故其表明之法律見解對下級法院認事用法衡有指標性作用。民國八九年、九十年,最高法院曾以憲法本文第四條、九十年增修條文第十一條,及兩岸人民關係條例第二條第二款規定為據,認為「國民大會亦未曾為變更領土之決議」、「大陸地區仍屬我中華民國之領土」、「大陸地區現在雖因事實上之障礙為我國主權所不及,但在大陸地區犯罪,仍應受我國法律之處罰,即明示大陸地區猶屬我國領域,並未對其放棄主權。」從而最高法院九十年台上字第七○五號判決之基礎事實,即係被告將安非他命,自大陸地區廣東省深圳巿南澳漁港運送至菲律賓,認為係在我國領域內犯罪;最高法院八九年台非字第九四號判決之基礎事實,亦係被告於民國八二年至八五年間在大陸福州市犯有刑法第三三九條第一項之詐欺取財及第二一五條之業務登載不實文書罪嫌,即為在中華民國領域內犯罪,自應適用中華民國法律論處,同其趣旨。准此,大陸地區叛亂首腦胡錦濤,乃基於破壞國體之意圖,竊據國土,並以非法之方法變更國憲,顛覆政府,而以暴動方式著手實行,已涉嫌觸犯刑法第一○一條暴動內亂罪,因係首謀,應論以死刑或無期徒刑"
2009年10月9日 星期五
close to Taiwaner--well
Taipei Times - archives: "The Taipei-based American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) plans to host a series of activities to “introduce American-style BBQ and blues music to the people of Taiwan.”
“This is the first time AIT has taken the initiative to link an American food promotion with live American blues music. Blues and BBQ go hand in hand in the United States,” Keith Schneller, the director of AIT’s Agricultural Trade Office (ATO), was quoted as saying in a press release.
In cooperation with the Taichung City Government, the US Meat Export Federation, and various other sponsors, the ATO plans to bring Joey Gilmore, champion of the 2006 International Blues Challenge, to Taiwan to perform and promote US-style BBQ at venues around the country, the AIT press release said."
kiss China ass
Taipei Times - archives: "During her questioning, Wong also said that researchers who joined a team organized by the National Science Council for a marine surveys project had shared their results with China’s State Council after being told to do so by National Security Council Secretary-General Su Chi (蘇起).
Wong said information about marine meteorology, continental shelf, ocean temperatures and marine biology were given to China and China had registered the information with the UN.
“This caused very serious damage to the country’s sovereignty. It not only meant that the UN recognized Taiwan as part of China’s territory, but also helped China enhance its marine strength,” Wong said."
2009年10月8日 星期四
自由電子報 - 敗國政黨指控敗家縣長?
自由電子報 - 敗國政黨指控敗家縣長?: "鄭永金現在是國民黨員,張碧琴兩天前仍是黨員,國民黨此舉簡直把「同志」和「昔日同志」,一刀砍成兩斷方休,對付同志比對付敵人更狠,除了地方人士心寒,也顯示馬政府執政無能、支持度低落的國民黨,競選手段可說幾已無所不用其極!
no position for Taiwan stand up
Taipei Times - archives: "Minister of the Interior Jiang Yi-huah (江宜樺) yesterday defended his decision to bar exiled Uighur rights activist Rebiya Kadeer from visiting Taiwan, despite widespread criticism of the ban.
Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislators lashed out at the minister as he made his first appearance before the legislature’s Internal Administration Committee.
Jiang said last month that Kadeer, president of the Munich-based World Uyghur Congress (WUC), should not be allowed into the country since she has “close relations to a terrorist group.”"
Taipei Times - archives
Taipei Times - archives: "Shouting “Ma Ying-jeou, shameless” and “Ma Ying-jeou, don’t come here,” Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Taichung City councilors interrupted Ma’s speech soon after it began."
2009年10月7日 星期三
自由電子報 - 告聯合國才對
自由電子報 - 告聯合國才對: "扁向美國軍事上訴法院訴願、美屬派告美,兩案都被駁回。他們的共同訴求是,舊金山和約第二十三條寫明美國是「主要佔領國」,而和約第二條只規定日本放棄台灣,沒說給誰,所以到今天台灣仍為盟軍佔領,是「主要佔領國」美國的軍事佔領地。"
自由電子報 - 肥貓 懶貓
自由電子報 - 肥貓 懶貓: "肥貓問題最主要關鍵在於「政治酬庸」,大家只要去看看那些肥貓的名單有哪些是名不見經傳的人物,又有多少人不是由政府高官退下來轉任與原職相關財團法人與國營事業機構。有些肥貓還有專用轎車、司機、特支費等供其享用,部分年齡甚至高達八十多歲。既然有這麼多好康,現在在位者總是要為自己後路著想,怎會輕易關上後門,反正只要風頭一過,社會很快遺忘,屆時又是好漢一條,何必跟錢過不去!"
Taipei Times - archives
Taipei Times - archives: "President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) administration justifies its obstinate pursuit of an economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA) with China by saying the Chinese market will be a gateway for Taiwanese manufacturers to global markets. One is reminded of Naomi Klein’s writings about how “disaster capitalism” has established itself through global free trade.
It is ironic that China’s economy has grown to its current size on the back of disaster capitalism, particularly since the Tiananmen Square Massacre in 1989."
2009年10月6日 星期二
Taipei Times - archives
Taipei Times - archives: "Coen Blaauw, executive director of the Washington-based Formosan Association for Public Relations, told the Taipei Times: “Taiwan’s future will not be determined in a court of law. Only the people of Taiwan have the right to determine Taiwan’s future. There are no tricks or short cuts to full Taiwan independence, it might be a long and difficult road but it’s the only way to go.”"
自由電子報 - 原來國民黨這樣子編預算
自由電子報 - 原來國民黨這樣子編預算: "莫拉克救災預算,不編細目,猶如空白支票,只能哄哄藍營的「自己人」,但負責監督施政的綠委,又豈是省油的燈。賴清德立委以「烏紗帽」對賭,口才便給的吳揆,竟言不由衷,而胡亂辯解一番。"
自由電子報 - 地方派系不應該再當國民黨的夜壺了!
自由電子報 - 地方派系不應該再當國民黨的夜壺了!: "杜月笙的「夜壺論」道盡了地方派系與國民黨政權利益分贓的險惡,稗官野史還傳說,這位曾經令上海灘聞之喪膽的人物,當年目睹蔣介石翻臉食言下令屠滅各工會領袖時,曾經對手下浩嘆:「人家都說我心狠手辣,但是比起這批人來,我們算是吃齋唸佛的。」杜某人當然不是吃齋唸佛的,但是他把蔣某人形容得入木三分,國民黨兵敗潰逃到台灣,再度把這套拉一派打一派的統治術移植到台灣,為今日台灣派系政治的濫觴,自胡佛著書「政治變遷與民主化」以降,多少政治學者鑽研著墨於此,論述有如汗牛充棟。"
dark side
Taipei Times - archives: "‘Undeniably, cross-strait relations are an important part of our national security and interests, so our government believes that not allowing [Rebiya] Kadeer to visit is a legitimate decision with a sound legal basis.’"
2009年10月5日 星期一
a-bian 痛苦的決定"我是在1987年2月28日加入民進黨,距離開台北看守所才18天。2008年8月15日我宣布退出民進黨,這是極為痛苦的決定,因為在這21年又6個月的時間,黨我栽培我、給我機會,我才能從立法委員、台北市長,一路做到台灣的總統。雖然廉政會決議一審判決,退黨將視同除名,五年內不得再入黨,但在我最摯愛的黨即將度過23歲黨慶生日的前夕,我仍願衷心的恭祝民進黨「生日快樂」並提出一些期許。"
標籤: a-bian, human rights
NOWnews【重點新聞】檢舉函一堆 綠爆:葛廣明帶女軍官喝酒報公帳
NOWnews【重點新聞】檢舉函一堆 綠爆:葛廣明帶女軍官喝酒報公帳: "民進黨立委蔡同榮表示,「大家(軍情局)向立法院互相爆料,根據我們收到的爆料資料,說這個局長(葛廣明)沒有什麼心在做工作。」葛廣明被檢舉拿著公帑隨意花用,不僅明目張膽帶著局長室裡的3位女軍官到處外出應酬,甚至到中東地區執行專案任務時,這三大金釵也全部隨行,並且全由國家買單,也因此埋下了葛廣明下台的火線。"
自由電子報 - 拒絕入境?老馬軋阿婭: "嘲諷的是,熱比婭訪問過二十八個國家,從未被拒絕過,但馬英九總統會被多少個國家拒絕入境?答案少說也有一百多個,而且這一百多個國家都是應台灣「宗主國」—中國的要求所致。"
2009年10月4日 星期日
Don’t appease China
Taipei Times - archives: "If China would leave Taiwan alone, the Taiwanese would never choose to go to war with China.
The problem is, for Taiwan today, there is no choice between peace and war. Peace is not the absence of war, but the presence of justice.
China taking over Taiwan would rob it of peace, democracy and human rights. China taking Taiwan would be an injustice that begets more injustice."
2009年10月3日 星期六
KMT business gone
Taipei Times - archives: "t is worth mentioning, however, that the majority of residents of Baisha Township (白沙) and Siyu Township (西嶼) — the designated Penghu special casino zones — voted in favor of the casino proposal. Voter turnout was only around 40 percent, with the number of dissenting votes only about 4,000 higher than those who approved the plan. As such, if local residents ever weakened their opposition to gambling, business interests could make a comeback anytime. The Referendum Act stipulates that another vote on the same subject cannot be held for at least three years. That means the KMT and businesses can stage another fight three years from now."
2009年10月2日 星期五
自由電子報 - 國共的「恐怖片」
自由電子報 - 國共的「恐怖片」: "熱比婭訪問過二十八個國家,所有民主、自由的國度都歡迎她,沒有任何一個國家說她和恐怖份子有關聯,實在無法理解為什麼台灣會拒絕她,除了「媚中、恐共」之外,找不到更好的理由解釋。"
自由電子報 - 國家?什麼國家!
自由電子報 - 國家?什麼國家!: "共產黨中國已經耀武揚威,但距離一個文明國家,還遠。到現在,還動輒批評別人「殖民主義犯罪」、「軍國主義犯罪」,而以漢人為中心的統治觀:西藏、新疆、內蒙古、滿人東北,成為照妖鏡。甚至東亞的共存共榮口號都出來了。
shame on this day
Taipei Times - archives: "ndeed, it is difficult to see how foreign governments — particularly Western governments and Japan — are going to find solace in the gargantuan bombast and cultural misappropriations that not only characterize China, but oppressive regimes everywhere."
Chen was detained in a cell without windows
Taipei Times - archives: "Former president Chen Shui-bian’s (陳水扁) office yesterday dismissed a report that Chen had asked for a new prison cell and demanded that the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) and Taipei Detention Center explain the matter.
Chen was detained in a cell without windows from last November until May, when the center moved him to a cell with windows, the office said in a statement.
“The former president has never asked the detention center for a new cell ... We protest that the ministry is using untrue information to mislead certain media outlets and tarnish Chen’s name,” the statement said."
2009年10月1日 星期四
Nuclear-capable missiles
Taipei Times - archives: "LOOK, BUT NOT CLOSELY: Nuclear-capable missiles and other weapons were on show, but ordinary citizens were kept kilometers away from Tiananmen Square
Friday, Oct 02, 2009, Page 1
One of the floats in yesterday’s National Day parade moves through Beijing to mark the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.
China celebrated its wealth and rising might with a show of goose-stepping troops, gaudy floats and nuclear-capable missiles in Beijing yesterday, 60 years after Mao Zedong (毛澤東) proclaimed its embrace of communism."