2009年9月30日 星期三

Taiwan Ma as a king

Taipei Times - archives: "Facing similar destruction on the heels of Typhoon Morakot, not only did the administration of President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) fail to seek international aid, it flatly rejected assistance offered by some countries."


Rebiya Kadeer, president of the World Uyghur Congress"

Taipei Times - archives: "“I don’t care if the Chinese authorities are making the accusation because everybody knows they are liars ... Taiwan is a democratic country and it is irresponsible to accuse our organization.”
— Rebiya Kadeer, president of the World Uyghur Congress"

2009年9月29日 星期二

to threaten US aircraft

Taipei Times - archives: "Another reason China’s confidence has surged is that the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has fielded an arsenal of guided missiles capable of discouraging US interference in the China seas. The DF-31A intercontinental ballistic missiles sure to be on display at tomorrow’s 60th-anniversary parade in Tiananmen Square offset US efforts at nuclear coercion. Should the PLA perfect its “antiship ballistic missile,” it can also use land-based weaponry to threaten US aircraft-carrier strike groups far from Chinese coasts, dissuading them from ever venturing into East Asia."


2009年9月28日 星期一

exiled Uighur rights activist Rebiya Kadeer

Taipei Times - archives: "A documentary on exiled Uighur rights activist Rebiya Kadeer and a film featuring ordinary Tibetans’ views on China will be screened in five cities around the country on Thursday to mark the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), an opposition magazine said yesterday."

前大陸網管揭中共網控內幕 - 台灣 228 網站 - 信仰建國228 追思感恩台灣神

前大陸網管揭中共網控內幕 - 台灣 228 網站 - 信仰建國228 追思感恩台灣神: "【大紀元9月27日訊】(大紀元記者夏雨薇澳洲墨爾本採訪報道)近日中共為迎接「10.1」紀念日瘋狂封網,曾在北京某網絡公司任職的王先生,日前接受了大紀元採訪,以數年前自己作為「網管」時的親身經歷,披露中共網絡監控時曾採取的手段。




2009年9月26日 星期六

not a easy war for outside of USA

Taipei Times - archives: "“Whatever decisions I make are going to be based first on a strategy to keep us safe, then we’ll figure out how to resource it,” Obama said last Sunday on CBS’s Face the Nation. “We’re not going to put the cart before the horse and just think by sending more troops we’re automatically going to make Americans safe.”"

no clear and fair income will happen terror's activity

Taipei Times - archives: "Firstly, the initial market impact from terror attacks is likely to be overdone and to unwind over subsequent days.

The reasons can be found in human nature — behavioral economists have shown that people tend to be naturally risk averse and prone to panic and a herd mentality in the face of uncertainty and danger. For bold investors, asset price weakness in the wake of militant attacks is a clear buying opportunity.

Second, once the initial panic eases, investors take a more rational look at the medium-term economic impact. The direct economic impact in terms of physical damage and loss of human capital is much less of an issue than the question of whether the attacks have spillover consequences that magnify their cost.

To give one extreme scenario, a militant attack that led to conflict between nuclear-armed India and Pakistan could have a devastating global effect far beyond the initial damage.

Thirdly, the micro impact of attacks can be more serious than the macro. While economies are resilient, sectors such as airlines, tourism and insurance are much more vulnerable."


2009年9月25日 星期五

china is the boss of Iran

Taipei Times - archives: "China dampened expectations of further sanctions on Iran on Thursday, telling other major powers that more pressure would not persuade Tehran to halt its nuclear program.

In contrast, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown told the UN Security Council the world should consider “far tougher sanctions” if Iran continues to seek a nuclear weapon."

china need concern why??

Taipei Times - archives: "Residents said the restaurant featured specialties from China’s northwestern Xinjiang region — the scene of deadly July riots by members of the Muslim Uighur minority that left nearly 200 people dead, according to the government.

The blast came amid a massive security clampdown in the Chinese capital to prevent disruptions to sensitive Oct. 1 celebrations marking the 60th anniversary of the founding of communist China."

no guts over ma's government

Taipei Times - archives: "“If Kadeer visits Taiwan, the purpose of her visit would have something to do with Xinjiang’s independence movement,” Jiang said.

Like the precautionary measures we took during the nation’s previous two important [international] sports events [the World Games and the Deaflympics,] we are trying to prevent terrorism from overshadowing Taiwan. Therefore, we decided to give priority to our national interests,” he said."

2009年9月22日 星期二

自由電子報 - 來自日本 為阿里山鐵道請命

自由電子報 - 來自日本 為阿里山鐵道請命: "依據某雜誌公司的推算,日本的鐵路愛好者約一百萬人,也就是日本人一百人中有一個人對鐵路有興趣。每年訪問台灣的日本人估計有一百萬人,換言之每年約一萬人的鐵路愛好者會到訪台灣。乘坐鐵路訪問台灣各地,享受街道風景和自然,與台灣人們的溫暖心情交流,就是在台灣各地旅行的最大樂趣。


自由電子報 - 與法務部長談賭博罪

自由電子報 - 與法務部長談賭博罪: "檢察官的立場就是代表國家打擊犯罪,按其身分必得認同刑法條文的精神,因此,檢察官反賭,一點都不奇怪;反而是檢察官若贊成賭博,這才值得探討。更何況「離島博弈條例」只授與離島居民公投選擇賭場的權利,並不代表設立賭場是國家既定的政策或法制。離島居民未投票前,離島檢察官就已被立委和長官們要求噤聲,令人不解,到底「離島博弈條例」是要讓居民公投決定、還是立委和長官們已經「內定」賭場非設不可?"

自由電子報 - 這一讓,還有什麼不能讓?

自由電子報 - 這一讓,還有什麼不能讓?: "然如此退讓,並未使「龍心大悅」,中國仍厲聲斥責:「高雄市『一些勢力』不顧台灣各界和社會輿論的反對,執意放映這部歪曲事實、美化民族分裂份子的影片,是對恐怖暴力犯罪活動發出的錯誤信號,我們對此堅決反對」。看場電影,除中國厲聲威嚇外,何來恐怖暴力?除中國打壓人權、限制自由外,何來錯誤信息?"

2009年9月17日 星期四

re:becca: What Do You Know About Taiwan?

re:becca: What Do You Know About Taiwan?: "ast night at the Newseum the Formosa Foundation hosted an invite-only Congressional screening of “Formosa Betrayed,” starring James Van Der Beek as Agent Jake Kelly. This low-budget independent feature takes a highly complicated international murder scenario and removes the superficial glam but keeps the production quality. Some attendees were a part of the true events on which this film is based. For the rest of us, this film brought some truths to light for the first time in history. It also stirred the question, what do you know about Taiwan?"
yes the king of ma is exsist at Taiwan

2009年9月16日 星期三


公視新聞網 PTS NEWS ONLINE: "而且大多認為應該要注意到實際效果。 而16日中午才和許添財會面,交換意見的前行政院長謝長廷,也認為民進黨先訴求大法官釋憲的方式,來聲援陳水扁的司法人權,是正確的方向,不過當被問到他本身,對聲援陳水扁司法人權的態度,謝長廷則不願多說。 民進黨慎重其事成立聲援陳水扁司法人權小組,希望陳水扁能被釋放,好讓他完整的行使審判防禦權,不過是否真能發生效用,還要再觀察。"

挺司法人權 邁開大步/催促扁案釋憲 蔡將會賴英照-Yahoo!奇摩新聞

挺司法人權 邁開大步/催促扁案釋憲 蔡將會賴英照-Yahoo!奇摩新聞: "由黨主席蔡英文與立院黨團擇日拜會司法院長賴英照,督促大法官速對扁案一審更換法官釋憲案做出解釋"

Taiwaners need to knee the KMT boss evil Ma

自由電子報 - 庶民經濟?剝皮政策!

自由電子報 - 庶民經濟?剝皮政策!: "廣大庶民最切身也最在意的就是失業及實質所得減少,馬政府主政下,官方版失業率突破六%,創歷史新高,實際失業率估計更達八%,實質所得則不斷降低,這就是庶民的最大痛苦。


自由電子報 - 馬政府要將台灣人民帶向火山口?

自由電子報 - 馬政府要將台灣人民帶向火山口?: "中國自一九七八年推動所謂改革開放以來,據其官方統計,經濟成長幾乎每年都是兩位數,以致三十年後,其經濟規模躍升為世界第三,僅次於美國、日本。誠然,中國有十三億人口,如果每年經濟成長率都是十%以上,經過三十年的持續增長,其經濟規模的擴大必然迅速,或許真能擠進世界前茅。換言之,十三億人口的經濟體,即使只是開發中國家,經濟規模亦十分驚人,此種現象實不足為奇,但其重要性與影響性卻被刻意擴大、衍生與解讀,意圖塑造為一種完美的經濟神話"

自由電子報 - 雙重國籍 李慶安涉詐欺、偽造文書起訴

自由電子報 - 雙重國籍 李慶安涉詐欺、偽造文書起訴: "〔記者林慶川、陳曉宜/台北報導〕前國民黨立法委員李慶安被告發擁有雙重國籍案,台北地檢署查出李擔任市議員、立委期間刻意隱匿具美國公民身分,認定她擔任民意代表的一億零兩百七十七萬元薪資都是詐欺所得,昨依刑法詐欺、偽造文書罪嫌將她起訴。

不具公職人員身分,所以未以貪污罪起訴"------ we pay the money to her as a 公職人員身分, on the other hand former president wife is a ordinary person 以貪污罪起訴.

Taipei Times - archives

Taipei Times - archives: "When Ma assumed office, he said the government was ready and called for “complete governance” as well as “complete responsibility.” These words are still ringing in our ears. However, for the past year and a half, the government’s performance has been worse than terrible. Not only has domestic unemployment hit a record high, but the government’s apathy about public suffering is clear for all to see."

no justice

Taipei Times - archives: "The Council of Grand Justices’ decision will have an impact on the legitimacy of the ruling in the first [trial]” and clarify controversial points that could arise in similar cases in the future, Tsai said."

2009年9月15日 星期二

care of your money

Taipei Times - archives: "So many countries, like the US, are running up such large national debts as a percentage of their overall economies that they could risk eventual default. Even without outright default on their obligations, the value of government bonds sold to finance these deficits could plunge, costing investors a lot."

Let boss happy

Taipei Times - archives: "When news broke on Monday that the coast guard had dispatched five vessels to the East China Sea in response to a dispute over fishing waters, Tokyo may have wondered what to expect from President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) government this time around. After enduring repeated snubs from the Ma administration over the past year and a half, Japanese officials can be forgiven if they heaved a sigh and thought: “Here we go again.”" ani-japan to let red china have a pleasure

Chen no guilty

Taipei Times - archives: "Chen said in a 10-point statement released by his office yesterday that he could challenge President Ma Ying-jeou's (馬英九) re-election bid in 2012, like Ma did when he announced his presidential bid right after he was indicted for graft

“But I will not do that,” Chen said in the statement.

“When I saw the ruling against me, I know I stand a chance of proving my innocence,” Chen said."

many people made enormous sacrifices

Taipei Times - archives: "A US senator said on Monday that some of the gains in democracy that Taiwan has made over the past 20 years “are now in peril.”

Speaking at a special Washington screening of the political thriller Formosa Betrayed, which takes place during the White Terror era, Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown said it was a miracle that Taiwan had been able to build a prosperous democracy with a strong middle class.

It happened, he said, because many people made enormous sacrifices.

“Some went to prison, while others gave up their lives or had their lives change abruptly for the worse because they were advocates for democracy,” Brown said.

“I think of the progress made in the last 20 years, but I also notice that today some of the gains are now in peril,” he said."


2009年9月14日 星期一


Taipei Times - archives: "There was no such a thing. The Executive Yuan did not change its position that the Central Election Commission is an agency that should be operated independently of outside interference,” Su said."

the trials had violated judicial procedures."

Taipei Times - archives: "Others have also claimed the switch was politically motivated. Some legal experts also said the decision to merge the trials had violated judicial procedures."political persecution clearly

2009年9月13日 星期日

to work easily with the newcomer platform

Taipei Times - archives: "For years, the aim of pretty much every technology company has been to make a product that people can’t give up using, and in case something better comes along from a rival, make sure that they can’t get their stuff — whether it be data, software or hardware — to work easily with the newcomer’s platform. On this rested the success of the compact cassette versus the 8-track, VHS versus Betamax, Iomega’s Zip versus other backup systems and most recently Blu-ray versus HD DVD"
good to start

2009年9月12日 星期六

自由電子報 - 同一合議庭對扁案及馬案有兩套標準?/李勝琛質疑 司法會轉彎

自由電子報 - 同一合議庭對扁案及馬案有兩套標準?/李勝琛質疑 司法會轉彎: "律師李勝琛昨天指出,國務機要費案與馬英九特別費案有眾多雷同之處,前總統李登輝也說,國務機要費就是總統特別費,但同一合議庭,判馬英九特別費案無罪,卻在國務機要費案重判扁珍無期徒刑,他說,這樣的司法,要如何得到人民的信賴?"
create a new constitution and new country could save Taiwan slaves

The Tibetan spiritual leader

Taipei Times - archives: "The Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama recently visited Taiwan to pray for the victims of Typhoon Morakot. In the face of constant pressure from Beijing and international media coverage of the visit, the Dalai Lama, in his profound wisdom and benevolence, turned the visit into a display of passive resistance and peace in the spirit of Indian independence leader Mohandas Gandhi."
a chicken ma do nothing good for Taiwan, he is a cheater and liar.

give Taiwan to china as a gift from KMT

Taipei Times - archives: "The economic challenges facing Taiwan now are its over-dependence on China, a fast deteriorating labor market, weakening household income and a record public debt that needs to be remedied to sustain the nation’s competitive sovereign credit ratings. An excessive emphasis on exports to drive economic growth also deters private investment in domestic services, which could help transform the nation’s economic structure."


that is red china culcure

Taipei Times - archives: "

“China strongly condemns this grave act of trade protectionism by the US,” Chinese Ministry of Commerce Spokesman Yao Jian (姚堅) said in a statement issued on the ministry Web site yesterday, hours after the administration of US President Barack Obama announced the move.

The new duty of 35 percent will take effect on Sept. 26 and adds to an existing 4 percent duty. The extra duty will fall to 30 percent in the second year and 25 percent in the third year.

Those levels are lower than the US International Trade Commission recommended earlier this year, but likely high enough to restrict tire imports significantly from China, if not shut them out completely.

“The president decided to remedy the clear disruption to the US tire industry based on the facts and the law in this case,” White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs said in a statement." Taiwan KMT learned from red china to deal US soon or later

2009年9月11日 星期五

Wang Ching-feng (王清峰)

Taipei Times - archives: "Minister of Justice Wang Ching-feng (王清峰)."

the womam cannot do justice for ROC's law

Taipei Times - photo

Taipei Times - photo

nothing will change to be well at ma's government

no t so good in clear world

Taipei Times - archives: "China could meet all of its future electricity needs with wind power if the government continues to subsidize the development of wind farms with price guarantees, a study published on Thursday said.

Already the world’s largest emitter of carbon dioxide, China’s electricity needs are expected to double in the next two decades and it is currently adding several new coal-fired power plants to its grid every week."

no freedom always

Taipei Times - archives: "“Journalists from Hong Kong and Taiwan have told CPJ they fear China’s increasing economic influence in their respective territories may be eroding the freedoms that exist there now,” she told the commission"

US and China cannot to tell truth of Taiwan

Taipei Times - archives: "We believe that one should not interfere in other countries’ internal affairs or impose its own will on others,” he said, seeking respect for “each other’s sovereignty and territorial integrity"

Taiwan is not a part of Chinaaaaaaaaa.

kill a-bian is the beast way

Taipei Times - archives: "Presiding Judge Tsai Shou-hsun (蔡守訓)"he is a doggy of ma

political persecution

Taipei Times - archives: "Hundreds of supporters of former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) gathered outside the Taipei District Court yesterday afternoon, insisting that Chen is innocent and dismissing his corruption trial as political persecution.

Shouting “A-bian [阿扁, Chen’s nickname] is innocent,” the supporters began to gather in front of the courthouse hours before the verdict was to be handed down at 4pm"


我們絕不接受政治法庭的審判結果taiwantt.org.tw 陳前總統在蔡守訓審判長詢問時,當庭表示:「我對司法已經從希望到失望到絕望,所以為了表達抗議,要撤回或捨棄對證人的傳訊與詰問,要解除對三名辯護律師的委任。」這是陳前總統對台灣司法最嚴厲的反抗與批判,也為我們所認同。
我們必須明確指出:扁案的偵審過程所出現的眾多違失,若在司法已步上正軌的國家,許多政客、媒體人甚至司法人員,均已有觸犯民事與刑事法條的重大嫌疑,宜 當承受國法的制裁。是台灣司法承接蔣介石訓令處斷雷震刑期;蔣經國濫將黃信介、姚嘉文等八人以非軍人身分提送軍法審判。此種深具政治屬性的司法傳留喪失法 律純度的歷史種因,造成今日扁案偵審充斥「黨司法」的政治雜質。才會肇致陳前總統當庭嚴厲指控「非法起訴、非法羈押及非法審判的政治決定」。
我們明確、強烈的要求:一、以符合國家法律要件的方式辦扁。二、以辦扁的法律尺寸偵辦相關政治案件。否則台灣如果繼續陷入邱毅爆料扁家在日本有十億財產, 姚立明爆料扁家在日本有三百億財產,無數指控「秤採講講」形成極端偏頗的社會公審,從而形成極具政治鬥爭本質的黨法審判,此種審判不論結果如何,其輕佻、 玩忽的偏頗屬性,我們絕不接受,相信海內、外許多人也都不會接受。


2009年9月10日 星期四

Taiwan Aries 閃亮的小螺絲釘: 等待因果報應

Taiwan Aries 閃亮的小螺絲釘: 等待因果報應

奶神 said...


wait and see

自由電子報 - 立委:新閣停留親中迷思

自由電子報 - 立委:新閣停留親中迷思: "重建重要 還是討中國歡心重要




自由電子報 - 司法改革?司法災難?

自由電子報 - 司法改革?司法災難?: "一、以審了十或十二年以上無法確定的刑事案件,其中可能涉及被告如果是無辜被羈押的冤獄賠償請求權,以及被害人民事侵權損害賠償訴訟權,只要最高法院或高等法院終審以「裁定駁回」檢察官起訴,而非以「判決駁回」檢察官上訴而無罪確定,則被告冤獄賠償請求權即完全被剝奪,國家當可省去一大筆賠償金,減輕國庫的負擔,此為草案最大的貢獻。但無辜被告在裁定確定前長期的限制人身自由,似乎只有認栽自我吸收,此時國家司法公器的濫權違法得以免罰,公平嗎?

二、前述被害人的民事損害求償權等了十幾年(附帶於刑事判決的認定),依速審法規定,刑事部分被不明不白裁定駁回後,民事部分即移送民事庭重啟爐灶進行調查審理,既然刑事案件程序不清楚胡弄作結,民事是不是還要從一或二審再到三審更來更去,最後還能夠比刑事審了十幾年容易搞定,而不會再製造另一輪迴出現?被告(侵權者或加害人)在刑事程序解套了,在民事程序仍然還要另闢戰場延長戰線,被害人也要跟著耗下去,雙重輪迴又何妥速之有?"idiot lawmakers'coma

自由電子報 - 阿扁 判決之外

自由電子報 - 阿扁 判決之外: "四、維護台灣主權獨立的國格:阿扁執政八年期間,不畏中國打壓,多次訪問外國,爭取台灣在國際的發展空間,強調台灣與中國是一邊一國,台灣是個主權獨立的國家,並通過公投法,提出公投議題。這雖然引起美國的不爽、中國的抵制,但台灣民眾不會懷疑阿扁會出賣台灣,並感受到他為台灣努力的苦心。"

自由電子報 - 馬吳傲慢體制

自由電子報 - 馬吳傲慢體制: "也許馬英九不是沒有誠意,他只是患了名醫所直指的「傲慢症候群」,或者說,他的確找不出更好的牌搭子,甚至根本是有眼無珠。"

自由電子報 - 決戰下一秒

自由電子報 - 決戰下一秒: "澳洲正規軍當時大都派往其他戰場,只能派大孩子組成的後備隊一千多人防守,科科達名為小徑,其實防守面寬十幾公里,但這群娃娃兵面對人數五倍,訓練、武器都遠勝他們的日軍,英勇奮戰,守勢作戰靈活,不斷伺機猛攻、退守,成功阻延日軍,為反敗為勝奠基。"

自由電子報 - 「放乎去」扁今拒聆判 將上訴

自由電子報 - 「放乎去」扁今拒聆判 將上訴: "全案在九月廿五日前上訴至高等法院,扁是否續押,將由高院決定。高院昨天表示,將扁案視為「非常重大案件」,案件上訴就立即由所有法官以人工抽籤分案組成新合議庭,中籤的法官若要聲請退休,也應經庭長會議同意,以免中籤法官落跑。後續上訴的被告則以「後案併前案」原則合併審理。"that is political persecution

自由電子報 - 騙局一場?/災民等勘災 官員竟爽約

自由電子報 - 騙局一場?/災民等勘災 官員竟爽約: "八八水災超過一個月,高雄縣桃源鄉寶山村民迄今斷水斷電,內政部與原民會官員承諾南下勘災,不料寶山村民苦守一天等無人,官員以天候不佳擔心安全為由爽約,寶山村民氣炸,「馬總統欺騙原住民」,砲轟執政不如扁政府,只會耍嘴皮騙選票,要求馬總統下台負責。"

自由電子報 - 「被出賣的福爾摩莎」 華府試映

自由電子報 - 「被出賣的福爾摩莎」 華府試映: "由於這部電影對台灣執政的國民黨採批判角度,國會曾傳出台北駐美代表處勸阻國會助理不要出席試映會的消息。台北駐美外交官員在記者查證時表示,是有不少助理詢問代表處對這部電影的意見,但是他們沒有接到指示要勸阻美國議員或助理出席,台灣是民主國家,表達不同觀點是正常的。不過也有外交官員坦承,個別官員可能對這部電影有自己的想法,私下與美國友人交換了意見。"

2009年9月9日 星期三

自由電子報 - 喬人事 不瞧災民

自由電子報 - 喬人事 不瞧災民: "吳敦義若真的將災後重建視為重要的任務之一,在週一接獲任命後,理當馬不停蹄更深入災區瞭解狀況、掌握行政部門目前資源與缺失、結合災區需求與未來施政方向擬訂最適切的內閣人選。但是就目前各大新聞所呈現的,吳敦義在週一傍晚接獲任命後,週二密切徵詢新內閣人事,週三至國民黨中央以黨秘書長的身分主持中央工作會議,週三晚上就要宣布新內閣名單,行程中完全沒有實地去災區了解狀況與重建需求,密集地在北部「喬」人事。吳閣揆對外口口聲聲說災後重建與治山防洪的重要性,但在安排新內閣人事之際,卻未見他與災民站在同一陣線上做思考,未進災區怎知災民苦?"
nothing for 災後重建 but to win the next time election and kill a-a-bian are the most iimportant duty.

自由電子報 - 台灣真多孫道存

自由電子報 - 台灣真多孫道存: "孫道存涉掏空太電一七一億、個人欠稅超過三億,卻駕名車住豪宅、一再擁名模換嫩妻。最近帶新婚妻血拼,無視求償無門的三十四萬名股東與所欠鉅額稅負。其實並非現行「行政執行」、「強制執行」及「破產法」拿他沒轍,而是各級執法人員寬縱,或未及時聯手掌握期限執行所致"-----how let a-bian to die is the law of Ma

自由電子報 - 馬政府的老毛病──經濟與兩岸已成絕症

自由電子報 - 馬政府的老毛病──經濟與兩岸已成絕症: "坦白說,新閣啟動,但握有最高決策權的國家領導人不換,一切必然照章行事,無法展現新氣象,「症頭」依舊,卻找不到解藥。總括來說,馬政府的老毛病,有二項:經濟與兩岸,都快淪為惡疾與絕症了。在經濟方面,有所改善的指標,如股市與房地產近日略有回升,卻是由於利率太低,資金成本低廉,造成游資氾濫,大量湧向金融市場,才造成股票與房地產資產價格的增長。這其實是一種資產泡沫的現象。至於惡化的經濟指標,如官方的失業率統計,在今年七月創下六.○七%的歷史新高,經濟成長率今年首季為史上未見的負一○.一三%,今年一至七月的出口衰退達三十二.一%,以及今年一至八月稅收合計短徵新台幣二○五三億元,是史上同期最大的短徵額度等,在在證明台灣實體經濟自金融風暴以來並無改善的跡象。"------ evil Ma handle everything , Tiawan need revolution.

自由電子報 - 從家天下到黨天下

自由電子報 - 從家天下到黨天下: "過去中國封建皇朝是「家天下」,一家一姓透過血緣傳位,掌握最高權力;現在國民黨皇朝則是「黨天下」,透過權力及媒體操控,一黨一系長期掌握執政大權,馬兼黨主席後,黨機器與國家機器齊施,藉民主遂行專制。"

自由電子報 - 明一審宣判 扁珍刑期恐逾20年

自由電子報 - 明一審宣判 扁珍刑期恐逾20年
扁的羈押期限將在九月廿五日屆滿,本案共十四名被告,全案恐無法在九月廿五日前上訴到高院,除非蔡守訓宣判後立即裁定扁停押,否則北院將再舉行一次延押庭,裁定扁是否續押;若廿五日前,十四名被告及檢方都已決定是否上訴,全案會立即送到高院,由高院決定是否釋扁,---------political persecution .

自由電子報 - 兩岸觀光研討會 被迫取消// 達賴效應 中國抵制高市

自由電子報 - 兩岸觀光研討會 被迫取消// 達賴效應 中國抵制高市
部分中國學者已於七日抵達高雄,原本要參訪南台灣相關景點,不料,前晚突然接獲北京的緊急指令,要求立即離開高雄,所有人的臉色都非常凝重。昨天上午,中國學者已辦理退房,轉往台灣中北部參訪------ tiny heart on China

自由電子報 - 國民黨與孫道存

自由電子報 - 國民黨與孫道存他在得意時,出手闊綽,長袖善舞,很多人跟著他吃喝玩樂,不少藍營大老莫不尊稱他一聲「道公」。現在他雖失 意,卻不潦倒,黨政關係依舊在,這次跟年輕美眉結婚,還一度想請國民黨主席吳伯雄證婚。或許是得意慣了,不懂收斂,避鋒頭,才會被抓包,以欠稅欠債之身, 竟然過著奢華日子。

2009年9月8日 星期二

這是我的部落格 - Yahoo!奇摩部落格

這是我的部落格 - Yahoo!奇摩部落格
流亡政權屠滅少數民族的罪孽 (Ethnic Cleansing: check Wikipedia or Britannica) 流亡的中國人殖民台灣政權(Chinese Taipei)馬英九,在貳零零九年八月八日莫拉克颱風(Typ hoon Mo ...《 詳全文

自由電子報 - 荷蘭台胞 被交接給中國

自由電子報 - 荷蘭台胞 被交接給中國: "趙亮發言後,現場多位台灣人發覺受騙,幸好台灣商會會長及時說明台灣同胞的捐款將由台灣商會捐回台灣。


自由電子報 - 誰跟你血濃於水?

自由電子報 - 誰跟你血濃於水?: "其實,「血濃於水」這句成語,在中國老早就行不通了。僅就近代史而言,國共內戰打得你死我活,國民黨在台灣搞二二八事件、白色恐怖;共產黨在中國搞文化大革命、六四事件等,都未曾讓人看到血濃於水的好處。一百年來台灣人不是中國人,自稱是中國人的人,不要再玩這句肉麻又虛偽的成語了!"

自由電子報 - 「驐」

自由電子報 - 「驐」

◎ 余真華





自由電子報 - 林保華專欄/台股連8紅 統媒臉綠

自由電子報 - 林保華專欄/台股連8紅 統媒臉綠: "達賴訪台期間股市的大升,原因當然很多。從基本面來看,當然是因為以出口佔大比重的台灣資訊等產業,接到許多大單,營收不錯,前景看好。問題是這些大單哪裡來的?如果有美國因素,那麼台灣經濟的救命丹並不在中國而在美國,至少美國市場是不可忽視的;如果是中國因素,那麼中國政府與國民黨政客、名嘴所恐嚇的對兩岸關係的損害,只是子虛烏有,那是國共合作在演雙簧,而機構投資者根本看透共產黨捨不得為達賴喇嘛而拋棄乖寶寶,到底馬英九是六十年來唯一願意投共的台灣國家元首;外資也因為台灣還沒有完全淪為共產黨附庸而慶幸。在這情況下,馬英九要把自己出賣給共產黨,也應該抬高一下自己身價,不要那樣賤嘛!"

red cops in Taiwan

俄羅斯海域驚現怪魚 長了一口“人牙”[圖]

俄羅斯海域驚現怪魚 長了一口“人牙”[圖]: "歡迎訪問新華網 - WWW.XINHUANET.COM
俄羅斯海域驚現怪魚 長了一口“人牙”[圖]

俄羅斯海域驚現怪魚 長了一口“人牙”







Echo Taiwan: Privilege - the core spirit of Chinese society

Echo Taiwan: Privilege - the core spirit of Chinese society
J. Michael Cole's article (as usual, worth readying) regarding the critics of China Post on the democracy inspires some discussion about the democracy (or the lack of it) in Chinese society. I am putting my thoughts here (with netters' questions), with the argument that the democracy is impossible in the privilege-based Chinese society.

Hugo Liberalitas:Hugo: 中華大一統是大陸共產黨政權存在的唯一支持點 - 樂多日誌

Hugo Liberalitas:Hugo: 中華大一統是大陸共產黨政權存在的唯一支持點 - 樂多日誌




「東亞大陸人在‘中華大一統思想’的洗腦與奴化下,他們永遠不敢認同‘All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that they are among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.’(The United States Declaration of Independence , July 4, 1776)與‘Covenant and Combine ourselves together into a Civil Body Politic, for our better ordering and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute and frame such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions and Offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the Colony, unto which we promise all due submission and obedience.’(The Mayflower Compact, November 11, 1620 ) 等理念,不是嗎?」

「東亞大陸人在中華大一統思想的洗腦與奴化下,他們永遠不敢接受‘Fight for individual dignity, love, freedom, justice, liberty, and human rights’與‘Constitutional Federal Republic, Independent Person, Independent State, Constitution for the independent Republic of Texas, Constitution for the independent Republic of Tibet, Asian Independent States, The United States of Asia’等理念,不是嗎?」

2009-9-6(Hugo Liberalitas:http://hugolovelordjesuschrist.blogspot.com/)




( 回應: 56 )
Plurk 噗浪表情頭像下載

台灣維新影子政府網站(謝長廷)_Shadowgov.TW 串連貼紙
有影上大聲串連貼紙 歡迎索取串連語法
洪健益的部落格 台灣小站 綠正妹的部落格 大地文教基金會 台灣部落格協會 民主進步黨青年部 綠色和平97.3 張嘉玲的隨心筆記 新竹市東區市議員參選人林智堅的部落格 民進黨基隆市長參選人林右昌 莊瑞雄議員的部落格 台灣社 台灣玉山時事台 民間搶救公視基地 TAIWAN YES 許惠峰律師的部落格 反對承認中國學歷聯盟 管碧玲立委的部落格 姚文智的部落格 翁金珠立委的部落格 TAIWAN RADIO 周柏雅 DPP民主進步黨 李坤城的部落格 野草莓運動 抗議行政濫權、總統院長道歉 集遊法違憲、人權變不見 陳定南教育基金會 與媒體對抗

馬英九不改wooing China 閣揆換人也沒用







twnathan-台灣奶神: 【影片】晴耕雨讀-楊醫師聖山論政(3)

twnathan-台灣奶神: 【影片】晴耕雨讀-楊醫師聖山論政(3)
第1段(2.0 min):阿扁被政治迫害(台灣人受中國帝國主義的麻醉甚深;未來的建國路仍需努力)
第2段(2.0 min):馬屁文化(“夢幻馬”的幻想破滅;拍馬屁的人,被馬踢 )
第3段(2.5 min):簽EFCA後,台灣將香港化(軍公教將塗塗塗)
第4段(2.0 min):阿扁的包容性更寬廣(阿扁與大地的互動信,在大地阿扁與台灣神的生死之約

2009年9月6日 星期日


 主辦:中國評論網絡有限公司 承辦:中國評論通訊社   海外簡體 中文繁體 大陸讀者高速通道 -> 大陸簡體

109年9月7日 星期一

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扁:期待民進黨團結 2012年奪回政權

http://www.chinareviewnews.com 2009-09-07 11:57:07

  中評社台北9月7日電(記者 鄒麗泳)被羈押在台北看守所的陳水扁上午表示,他對自己被判重刑已有心理準備,國民黨及法院在911判決後依舊會羈押他。陳水扁高度期待民進黨要團結、合作,2012年重新奪回政權。





相關專題: 陳水扁巨貪現形 民進黨陪葬

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