2009年7月30日 星期四
save a-bian save Taiwan by human right
Dear sir/madam
Pro-china President ma force the former President Chen as a criminal that ordered persecutors to let Chen’s family are on the terror condition ,so please give a-bian a hand save Taiwan democracy and human rights.
Chen won’t plead guilty, ex-lawyer says
FAMILY TENSIONS: DPP Taipei City councilors accused the media of harrassing the former president’s first grandson amid a fuss over his enrolling in a Taipei school
By Shelley Huang and Mo Yan-chih
Friday, Jul 03, 2009, Page 3
Chen Chih-chung, left, son of former president Chen Shui-bian, yesterday offers free legal consultation at the Democratic Progressive Party’s Kaohsiung City chapter office. He suggested yesterday that his sister move to Kaohsiung so her oldest son could begin school there.
Former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) will not plead guilty to the charges against him despite his family members being prosecuted, Chen's former lawyer Cheng Wen-lung (鄭文龍) said yesterday.
Cheng visited Chen yesterday at the Taipei Detention Center, where Chen has been held on corruption charges since Dec. 30 last year.
“[Chen] thinks he has not done anything illegal, so why should he plead guilty?" the lawyer said, referring to a letter former first lady Wu Shu-jen (吳淑珍) wrote to her husband reportedly reprimanding him for insisting on being a martyr even though it would ruin their daughter Chen Hsing-yu's (陳幸妤) plans to live and study in the US this fall.
Chen Hsing-yu was barred from leaving the country last Tuesday, after she, her husband, Chao Chien-ming (趙建銘), and her brother, Chen Chih-chung (陳致中), admitted to giving false testimony during investigations into the former first family's alleged corruption and money laundering.
Chen Shui-bian has been distressed since learning that prosecutors rejected his daughter’s request to be allowed to travel so she could register for studies in the US.
“[He] hopes his children would not be involved in the political fighting among adults. He hopes his children would not be hassled,” Cheng said, adding that his former client told him that “adults should resolve their political issues among themselves.”
Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Taipei City councilors yesterday urged the media not to bother Chen Shui-bian's grandson Chao Yi-an (趙翊安), and demanded Taipei City's Education Department protect the boy's rights to study in a municipal school.
Chao Yi-an’s enrollment in the Bo Ai Elementary School became the center of attention after several users of the school’s online message board, who identified themselves as teachers and parents, voiced objections to the possibility of his entering the school.
The six-year-old is the eldest son of Chen Hsing-yu. He has reached the minimum school age, according to the National Education Act (國民教育法), and is legally entitled to enroll in the school.
DPP Taipei City Councilor Chien Yu-yen (簡余晏) said the National Communications Commission should stop media outlets from following the boy or interviewing students or teachers at the school about the issue.
“We urge the media to exercise self-restraint and not to follow Chao Yi-an around, so that he can go to school happily,” she told a press conference at the Taipei City Council.
Independent Taipei City Councilor Chen Chien-ming (陳建銘) demanded the department and the school protect the boy's right to study in Taipei.
“It would be shameful for the education field in Taipei if Chao was forced to attend
school in Kaohsiung instead because of political factors,” he said.
Lin Hsin-yao (林信耀), chief secretary of the department, said the school would “definitely welcome Chao to enroll."
Wang Jen-yu (王壬佑), director-general of the school's academic affairs department, said that any child whose household record is registered within the school's district was welcome to attend.
Meanwhile, swamped by reporters on her way to work yesterday, Chen Hsing-yu lost her temper when asked to comment on efforts to study in the US.
“Don’t push me!” “All of you will be punished!” she said as she was escorted by supporters into the dental clinic where she works.
Her brother said later yesterday that the whole family hoped that Chen Hsing-yu would move her family to Kaohsiung City, where her son could attend a local school.
Chen Chih-chung and his wife moved to Kaohsiung in February, while his mother moved there in May.
In related news, prosecutors announced yesterday they will call Wu for questioning on Tuesday on whether she solicited her children to commit perjury.
Wu's lawyer Lin Chih-chung (林志忠) said yesterday that Wu had said she would cooperate with prosecutors to protect her children.
“[Wu] said she will do whatever prosecutors ask of her, as long as prosecutors do not involve her children in the case,” Lin said.
Copyright © 1999-2009 The Taipei Times. All rights reserved.
Published on Taipei Times http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/editorials/archives/2009/07/03/2003447744
Local judicial rights under attack
By Cao Changqing 曹長青 Friday, Jul 03, 2009, Page 8
The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) leadership has finally taken action, demanding
that former president Chen Shui-bian's (陳水扁) judicial rights be respected.
In New York and Los Angeles, a dozen Taiwanese groups recently held concurrent press conferences, initiating a yellow-ribbon campaign for Chen. This is a US tradition through which people remember and campaign for the release of prisoners of war. By wearing yellow ribbons, these Taiwanese Americans were showing their concern for the former president's judicial rights. While many overseas Taiwanese were unable to make their minds up when allegations of Chen's corruption first surfaced, they are now massively in support of protecting his judicial rights. Judging from reactions at speeches I have given in Taiwanese communities in several US cities recently, most audience members are angry at President Ma Ying-jeou's (馬英九) government over Chen's long detention. Their strong reaction has at least three main causes. First, a just trial can only take place in a fair judicial environment. But the media has been reporting the details of Chen's case right from the start, prompting the public to find him guilty before the trial is over. Later, the judge presiding over his case was suddenly replaced, suspects were detained to extract confessions and the trial record was manipulated. In this highly unfair judicial environment, a just trial is impossible. Despite the prosecutors' many charges, a just trial is possible only in a fair judicial environment, no matter how serious the charges against Chen. The government is guilty of illegal detention, an improper change of judge and the falsification of trial records. Under these circumstances, it is not possible to truly investigate whether Chen is guilty of corruption.
The sequence should be to first guarantee his judicial rights and then proceed with the trial on the premise of a just judicial environment protected by the judicial system. Second, the negative consequences of the government's power abuse are much more serious than individual corruption. I have repeatedly emphasized this concept in my newspaper articles. In all societies that have suffered under dictatorship, people are indifferent to their personal rights because they are accustomed to the government's abuse of power and they have become able to endure it. At the moment, the government's abuse of judicial rights is obvious and rampant. Even the pro-blue Chinese-language China Times has published an editorial saying that Chen's long detention may damage democracy and the rule of law. If the government can trample on the former president's judicial rights today, it can do the same thing to anyone tomorrow. Some say that the judiciary is not only unfair to Chen alone and that we should call for fair prosecution of all cases. Certainly, we must safeguard every individual's human rights, but it goes without saying that celebrity cases usually attract more attention and have a greater influence. This is why the media invited medical experts to discuss cardiac disease after Michael Jackson's death, although countless people die of heart disease every day. Third, the government is becoming more arrogant. This is frightening when we look to Taiwan's future. Most pan-green camp supporters feel that Chen's long detention is political retaliation by the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that is meant to destroy the green camp's morale and crack down on Taiwanese independence. In addition, Ma has filed a lawsuit against prosecutor Hou Kuan-jen (侯寬仁) accusing him of forgery during his investigation of Ma's handling of his special allowance fund.
Meanwhile, first lady Chow Mei-ching (周美青) has filed a lawsuit against political commentator Chin Heng-wei (金恆煒) and some others for allegedly defaming her. The blatant arrogance of the incumbent president and his wife in suing private citizens is making a growing number Taiwanese feel ill at ease, especially after a group of Taiwan experts in the West repeatedly petitioned the government to demand that Chen be given his judicial rights, and after the government ignored criticism by Ma's law professor and mentor Jerome Cohen of the current situation in several newspaper articles. How can we not worry about the consequences when such a government is in total control of Taiwan? Even at a time when Ma's government is treating the cases of alleged corruption against Chen as political, some in the pan-green camp still treat them as a judicial issue. Perhaps some of them are politically unwise because of their own blind spots, and perhaps some have other motivations. The pan-green camp's understanding of the CCP, the KMT and Chen's corruption trial is directly related to the nation's future. It is difficult to imagine the negative consequences of any mistaken decisions. Cao Changqing is a freelance journalist based in the US. TRANSLATED BY EDDY CHANG
Copyright © 1999-2009 The Taipei Times. All rights reserved.
Dr yang taiwantt.org.tw 2009/7/3
標籤: concern 228
兄弟的鏡子—讀書心得(6) | ![]() |
新聞報導 - 楊緒東專欄 | |
作者 台灣大地文教基金會董事長 楊緒東醫師 | |
2009/07/30, Thursday | |
*粗體字為楊緒東醫師撰寫之書評 要阻止阿九急統、傾中、賣國,台灣人於此刻所扮演的角色,與背負建國十字架的阿扁,不可分割,結合台灣建國力量,須適時做終極犧牲的準備,台灣國的獨立運動,不但會是台灣人的天命,亦是影響中國民主化最大的能量。 延伸閱讀: | |
最後更新 ( 2009/07/30, Thursday ) |
標籤: 228 article
2009年7月29日 星期三
檢引名言論告 是技巧非證據
法界︰檢引名言論告 是技巧非證據 〔記 者項程鎮、林俊宏、李欣芳/台北報導〕檢方昨在扁案開庭時引經據典批判扁珍,或呼籲認罪,民進黨主席蔡英文認為不適宜,呼籲法官不應將此納為心證;法界對 此看法不一,台灣婦女團體全國聯合會創會會長尤美女律師指出,檢察官或法官在論告或判決時,引用名言等感性語言,屬於說服的技巧,但就法論理上,仍要看證 據。 北檢公訴主任檢察官林勤綱前天在扁案補充論告時,向扁說「親愛的朋友,請諒解我,我必須釘死你的過錯,來彰顯你曾用一生樹立起來的美好價值。」 不管什麼名言 都不能當判決理由 對於在訴訟程序使用歷史名言,德律聯合法律事務所負責人呂偉誠律師認為,引用名言如果不恰當,就不會打動人心,但法庭內論述要論法說理,前天檢方在扁案引用名言,可能想藉由傳統價值觀,以此打動法官,讓法官聽得進去,增加檢方勝訴機率。 至於歷史名言與判決結果的關係,尤美女表示,不管是什麼歷史名言,法律上都不能作為判決理由,因此,檢方或法官引用時的內容和位置就很重要,但如果名言內容只是道德上的層次,而沒有法律依據,法院就不能作為判決理由,法院更不能因證據不足,就引用作為判決。 曾 任司法官的律師李傳侯表示,引經據典論述的態度必須莊重,例如台開案判決也引用《莊子》的「竊鉤者誅,竊國者侯」,前總統陳水扁在法庭內曾數度提到李登 輝、連戰或宋楚瑜等人的歷史,想證明自己無罪,同樣都是一種類比手法,只差沒用成語,都想透過精確的字句來向法官做訴求。 扁若一審有罪要除名 廉政會將檢討 民 進黨部分廉政委員對此也不以為然表示,扁案一再延押,程序上有嚴重瑕疵,檢方在做良心、道德審判;過去對扁未誠實申報競選結餘款並匯款海外一案,廉政委員 會曾裁決若扁一審有罪,即使已退黨,仍應以等同除名方式議處扁,現在這項裁決有必要重新檢討。據了解,廉政會可能在下個月討論此事。 蔡英文受訪時則表示,法律講究的是事實與根據,檢察官的角色在於發現真實,檢察官對案情的道德性評價,並不適合出現,引用個人經驗做為論告的基礎,也不適合。她強調,檢方的上述發言或可讓社會大眾思考,但不應做為論告的陳述,法官也不應納入心證。 立委潘孟安表示,檢察官所言已逾越應有尺度,呼籲法律人依法論法,而不是靠媒體辦案。法官名言錄
2009年7月28日 星期二
高雄世界運動會閉幕典禮影片、照片全集 | ![]() |
新聞快報 - TWIMI | 獨立媒體 | |
作者 TWIMI | 獨立媒體 | |
2009/07/28, Tuesday | |
Source: TWIMI | 獨立媒體 |
2009年7月26日 星期日
民間社團赴司法院要求大法官釋憲 | ![]() |
新聞快報 - TWIMI | 獨立媒體 | |
作者 TWIMI | 獨立媒體 | |
2009/07/26, Sunday | |
7/23 上午十點,公投護台聯盟聯合民間各社團及扁辦齊至司法院,要求大法官針對對陳前總統的不當羈押釋憲,在場的社團代表及扁辦主任江志銘等七人雖有進入司法 院,希望能與司法院長陳情表達訴求,但院方派來接見的代表層級太低,並未有效傳達訴求,社團代表出來後達成共識,將會擇期至監察院遞狀聲請,要求彈劾大法 官瀆職的行為。 本片共兩段,可連續觀看。
Source: TWIMI | 獨立媒體 |
標籤: human rights
2009年7月25日 星期六
【完整版】高雄世運‧台灣驕傲—獄中觀看世運開幕有感 | ![]() |
新聞報導 - 自由論壇 | |
作者 陳水扁總統 | |
2009/07/24, Friday | |
二 00九年七月十六日是台灣歷史性的一天,第八屆世界運動會在台灣高雄隆重開幕。不但是台灣第一次舉辦世界性綜合運動賽會,更是世界運動會自一九八一年正式 舉行以來,參與國家代表隊及選手都是最多的一次盛會,也是世界運動會舉辦二十八年來首度由主辦城市的國家元首宣佈運動會正式開始。 source:凱達格蘭學校 | |
最後更新 ( 2009/07/24, Friday ) |
民主不是目的地 (destination) 而是程序 (process)
![]() | hsutung yang |
RE: 友人的諍言
陳新輝 | 2009年7月25日 上午 6:26 | |
回覆: do-not-reply@taiwanyes.ning.com 收件者: bigone | ||
中國採購團 也是吹很大
中國採購團 也是吹很大 | ![]() |
新聞快報 - 新聞快報 | |
作者 自由時報記者鄒景雯/特稿 | |
2009/07/25, Saturday | |
海峽經貿交流協會的「兩岸經貿促進考察團」總共要組三團訪台,原本估計可以創造八十至一百億美元商機,但根據外貿協會統計,前兩團合計不到三十億美元,第三團採購金額勢必要達到五十至七十億美元的水準,是否真能落實令人質疑。 馬政府上台以後就不斷釋放政策「利多」,不少媒體也跟著吹捧中國採購團的對台下單金額,舉凡「中國LED產業可望帶來八百億商機」、「中國採購團商 機新台幣七兆起跳」、「中國採購團花一千四百億買我國面板」、「中國3G市場三千億商機」等,數字就像滾雪球似地越報越多;有人笑稱光是依據媒體報導資 料,中國團的採購金額已經超過十二兆,比去年台灣國民生產總值還要高! 猶記得首發團六月初抵台時,率團的海貿會會長李水林發下豪語表示:「只要是台灣有的、大陸需要的產品,就會從台灣買」,並強調採購金額「上不封頂」。 但根據貿協事後統計,首發團七月底前下單金額為八.二七億美元,未來一年對台採購金額為十四億美元,明顯低於貿協預估的廿億美元,對於六億美元的落差,貿協解釋是因為有部分重量級中國企業仍在與我國業者協調產品的技術與規格,因此未來金額還是會擴大,可望超過廿二億美元。 而海貿會第二團率團的海貿會理事門曉偉也喊出本次對台採購是「實打實」、不是「空架子」,但現場成交金額加上未來一年內的採購,估計僅約七億五千萬美元。 海貿會第三團將在八月十九日抵台,採購產品將以機械、化工及「汽車下鄉」政策商機所需零組件等產品為主;前兩團採購金額約三十億美元,如果第三團的採購金額無法達五十至七十億美元的水準,就會和貿協先前預估的八十至一百億美元目標有所落差。 海貿會採購團接二連三抵台,現場成交金額不多,但是預估未來一年的後續成交量卻頗高,實在令人不得不質疑數字「灌水」;此外,一年後對岸企業究竟能否落實訂單也是未知數。 |
2009年7月24日 星期五
2009年7月23日 星期四
兄弟的鏡子—讀書心得(3) | ![]() |
新聞報導 - 楊緒東專欄 | |
作者 台灣大地文教基金會董事長 楊緒東醫師 | |
2009/07/23, Thursday | |
*粗體字為楊緒東醫師撰寫之書評 責備阿扁轉型正義做得太少,確實是有些事實,因為DPP要面對龐大的ROC體制,又要看美國與中國的臉色,加上當時阿扁執政把ROC當成正常國家,認為慈悲可以得到和解,到現在反而害了自己,若當時能善用台灣國的群眾力量,依靠民意的結合力量,相信中國黨會喪膽而終。 (未完待續,撰於2009/06/20) | |
最後更新 ( 2009/07/23, Thursday ) |
2009年7月22日 星期三
兄弟的鏡子—讀書心得(1) | ![]() |
新聞報導 - 楊緒東專欄 | |
作者 台灣大地文教基金會董事長 楊緒東醫師 | |
2009/07/20, Monday | |
photo source: 228事件紀念基金會 *粗體字為楊緒東醫師撰寫之書評 前言: (未完待續,撰於2009/06/20) 延伸閱讀: | |
最後更新 ( 2009/07/22, Wednesday ) |
標籤: concern 228
2009年7月20日 星期一
給阿扁總統的一封信 | ![]() |
新聞報導 - 自由論壇 | |
作者 Jade | 贊屋 | |
2009/07/20, Monday | |
Dear阿扁總統您好: | |
最後更新 ( 2009/07/20, Monday ) |
標籤: human rights
2009年7月18日 星期六
結果,「芳草碧連天」這部連續劇居然該死的扭曲史實,說台灣資產被日本人跟美國人掏空?拜託,日本人離台時被嚴格限制一個人只能帶少數手提行李,留下來的 全被國民黨佔領,不然你以為那些上千億的不當黨產是指什麼東西?美國掏空台灣更是笑話,是台灣接受一大堆美國救援物資耶!
附帶一題,國民黨喜歡鬼叫黃金,就算真有那兩百萬兩好了,他帶過來兩百萬難民,一個人才一兩,卻要台灣人養他們六十年(這裡面有一堆18趴的),給他們土 地房子還有18趴,一個人才一兩?開什麼玩笑?去騙幼稚園小孩可以,有唸過國小的應該就不會被這種簡單的數字計算給騙了。
2009年7月17日 星期五
財團法人台灣大地文教基金會 - 台灣人拜台灣神 不做無根之民 - �
【影片】啊!父親(2004年台灣神追思音樂會.系列回顧4) | ![]() |
新聞報導 - 大地之聲 海洋之聲 護台聯盟 | |
作者 台灣大地文教基金會 | |
2009/07/17, Friday | |
觀看更多「2004/05/15台灣忠烈英靈追思音樂會」活動照片 阮文池老師用聲樂的方式詮釋「阿!父親」,是如此渾然天成的美,又深刻憾動人心,讓人久久無法釋懷! 系列回顧4:啊!父親 (Embed: Blip, Youtube) |
2009年7月16日 星期四
煎熬 | ![]() |
新聞報導 - 楊緒東專欄 | |
作者 台灣大地文教基金會董事長 楊緒東醫師 | |
2009/07/16, Thursday | |
如果您是領有天命的人 延伸閱讀: | |
最後更新 ( 2009/07/16, Thursday ) |
2009年7月14日 星期二
2009年7月11日 星期六
新疆騷亂 引爆各國論戰
自 認同屬突厥支系的土耳其,對中國處理新疆騷亂方式最表不滿,不僅拒買中國貨聲浪四起,更當街焚燒中國貨,連土耳其總理厄多岡(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)10日都直言中國對維族是「種族屠殺」(genocide),他還進一步表示,難以理解中國政府為何能對種族屠殺行為「冷眼旁觀」。實際 上,人口7000萬的土耳其近年來努力經營與中國的關係,上個月土耳其總統古爾(Abdullah Gul)更是15年來首度訪中的總統,還簽訂15億元的貿易協定。
然而,厄多岡的一著險棋,恐讓兩國關係頓時生變。其實,土 耳其反應並不令人意外。該國大報「自由報」(Hrriyet)10日指出,厄多岡正面臨前所未有的壓力,迫使他做出冒險舉動。因為歷年來前往土耳其避難的 維族難民不斷增加,加上土耳其人民對中國武力鎮壓手無寸鐵人民的印象仍歷歷在目:從天安門事件到去年奧運會時藏人的抗議,沒想到如今,中國鎮壓對象竟轉成 自己的「同胞」,讓土耳其人擔憂不已。此外,更讓土耳其人擔心的是,中國似乎沒有平息漢維兩族紛爭的打算,反而「挑起」漢族仇視維族的情緒,恐讓維族將來 在中國的命運更加坎坷,在群情激憤下,讓民選的厄多岡一再發表強硬支持維族的談話,賭上土耳其與中國外交關係的前途。
「俄 羅斯新聞網」(Rusnews)陸續指明,維族騷亂來自海外操縱勢力,前俄羅斯駐華大使羅高壽就直指:「這些勢力希望把中國分裂成幾個主權國家,就像 1991年蘇聯解體那樣。甚至已經指出,(他們)欲把未來的中國分成六個部分,其中包括獨立的新疆。」此外,也有俄國專家稱,新疆騷亂增長可能會造成美國 和俄羅斯對外政策「嚴重複雜化」。因為美國在阿富汗、巴基斯坦等國為追擊恐怖組織已疲於奔命,而恐怖組織入侵中亞、癱瘓上海合作組織、甚至延燒境內,更是 俄國惡夢。
實際上,在美俄還沒陷入外交難題時,不少阿拉伯國家已陷入此一難題:該支持一向親阿拉伯人的中國,還是支持被鎮壓 的維族穆斯林?儘管回教國家仍未就騷亂事件定調,但總會位於沙烏地、有57個成員國的回教會議組織(Organization of Islamic Conference),在騷亂後首先發難譴責中國使用「不對稱的武力鎮壓維族」,充分反映出回教國家普遍同情維族人。
根據伊朗新聞通訊社(Fars News Agency)報導,連與維族不同派別的什葉派國家伊朗,其外長都在10日也表明「支持中國穆斯林人權」的立場。
沙 烏地阿拉伯大報「國家報」(Al-Watan)在9日社論「中國穆斯林危機」一文中表示,回教國家夾在中國與穆斯林間,角色確實「敏感」,但也不諱言「維 族無論在歷史、文化、宗教方面皆偏中亞,反與中國關係薄弱」,所以不應坐視穆斯林兄弟在中國受迫害,反而應該由回教會議組織等協會主動介入兩者間調停, 「一方面幫助維族,同時也與中國這超級強國維持良好關係」。
2009年7月10日 星期五
嘉南大圳之父——八田與一傳.讀書心得(2) | ![]() |
新聞報導 - 楊緒東專欄 | |
作者 台灣大地文教基金會董事長 楊緒東醫師 | |
2009/07/10, Friday | |
photo source: 《嘉南大圳之父-八田與一傳》一書 *粗體字為楊緒東醫師撰寫之書評 鄭成功一族在台灣的建設很少,主要在於「養兵屯田」、「反攻大陸」,其對於台灣移民的生活照顧不多,反而殺死不少原住民與台灣人民,其課稅之重甚於外族。 (未完待續,撰於2009/06/01) |
標籤: remember Taiwan
2009年7月9日 星期四
2009年7月8日 星期三
【影片】大肚蚪仔(2004年台灣神追思音樂會.系列回顧3) | ![]() |
新聞報導 - 大地之聲 海洋之聲 護台聯盟 | |
作者 台灣大地文教基金會 | |
2009/07/08, Wednesday | |
觀看更多「2004/05/15台灣忠烈英靈追思音樂會」活動照片 小朋友合唱團表演,可愛逗趣的台灣歌謠,配合著生動活潑的肢體動作,獲得台下如雷貫耳的掌聲與笑聲... 系列回顧3:大肚蚪仔 (Embed: Blip, Youtube) | |
最後更新 ( 2009/07/08, Wednesday ) |
2009年7月6日 星期一
【影音】鄭文龍律師演講:從扁案看台灣司法問題 | ![]() |
新聞報導 - 自由論壇 | |
作者 TWIMI | 獨立媒體 | |
2009/07/05, Sunday | |
錄音檔 全程mp3錄音檔下載
由台北市台灣心會主辦、市議員周柏雅服務處協辦,邀請陳水扁前總統的前委任律師鄭文龍今天(7/4日)在台北市議會國際會議廳演講,現場座無虛席還有許多民眾是站著聽完整場演講。 | |
最後更新 ( 2009/07/06, Monday ) |
標籤: human rights
2009年7月4日 星期六
2009年7月3日 星期五
2009年7月1日 星期三
go to Holy mountain
財團法人台灣大地文教基金會: "希望 2009-07-01, 11:35:37 | 未填寫住址